Updated 5/56/20 - JVS
Anchor | ||||
- GPC lists
- Index of final exams
- Final Exam Capacity Chart
- Map
- FOS Abbreviations/Scheduling Preference Chart
- Office Organizational Chart
- [Internal Training Document
Room Scheduling
Training and How To's\\Internal
An Overall Room Scheduling Training.docx]Denise will provide a calendar and a phone list that will include new hire
new hire
- Review RG 400 Training PowerPoint
- Explain RSS System
- Review Internal Training (file:////austin.utexas.edu//disk//reg//Registrar//Room Scheduling//Training and How To's//Internal//An Overall Room Scheduling Training.docx)
- Have new hire shadow as you respond to emails and process reservation requests
- Explain Daily Deletions
- Shadow new hire as they respond to emails and process reservation requests
- When ready, have new hire respond to all emails and process reservation requests
- New hire can work on HR compliance modules or any special projects
- Explain Delsey
- Have new hire do the Daily Deletions while you shadow
- Have new hire respond to all emails and process reservation requests
- If ready, have new hire log into UCD phone line
- New hire can work on HR compliance modules or any special projects
This How-To goes over importing the All Sections text file into an Excel spreadsheet that is formatted for easy accessibility to data.