Summer orientation is handled differently than other events during the summer. Per a March 2015 email with the New Student Services office, the timeframe outlined to plan orientation events is as follows. The timeframe can be found on the shared Registrar drive under: (Course Scheduling\Special Agreements\DoS Orientation\20156\New Summer Orientation Scheduling Model ReCap.msg).
Year preceding orientation
- Open Excel to a new/blank worksheet. With your cursor in the top left cell (A1), select 'From Text' option in the 'Data' tab. The Import Text File window will appear. From the /scheduling server, select the 'CCYYS_All-Sections…' text file that you would like to import, and click 'Import'.
- The Text Import Wizard window will appear. The 'Delimited,' button should be selected. For the 'Start important at row' field, enter '6' and click 'Next'.
- With Legacy menus enabled you can now start the process of importing the data
- On the Task Ribbon go to the "Data: tab
- Go to "Get Data" and then hover over "Legacy Data"
- Click "From Text(Legacy)"
- The rest of the process is described in this original documentation, see the beginning of this document for instructions