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 Work in Progress

Drawing from Authentication User Manual

Per Emily, some of it is outdated with the scripts for new users

Lorem ipsum.

titleTable of Contents

Table of Contents

What Happens When a User Logs intoTracker? (cut)

Whenauser accesses the Tracker dashboardfor the first time, thesystem confirms that the user has an active and valid department in the Department list, adds the person tothe User list, and updates theirprimarydepartment and theirstatustoActive and Staff. (Need to confirm the last part of this sentence)

If the user’s Department and Unit Code are not in the Department list, the user will receive a "Forbidden" error message. If an employee is new to UT or has changed departments, it may take a few weeks before they are updated in Workday and Tracker.

HowtoAdd aDepartment (own page. add further/refine further)

In order for a user to have access to submit invoices, IDT bills, or letter bills, or to have permission to search as acredit ordebit department, that user's department must be on to the Department list.

Onboarding of a department is a manual entry ofDepartment Name and Unit Code via the Django Admin. Thislist of departments isalsoutilized to updateusers inthe Billing accountsto allow them toutilize the search page.

BFS AdminSupervisorsaccess theDjangoAdminvia the Admin tab on the Tracker home page. Thelistof departmentsshould includeallinvoice submittal, billing credit and debit departments. (need to clarify this list)

Before adding a new department, begin by searching to see if the Department and Unit Code already exist. If they do not, follow these steps.

  1. Under Core, select Departments.
  2. SelectAdd Department +
  3. Enter Department Name. This namedisplays onallinvoice submittals department drop-downfields. (Emily, can we clarify this?)
  4. Enter Department Unit Code.
  5. Select Active
  6. Save.

Caution: When editing or inactivating departments, take into considerationinvoices in progress and historical data. (Can we say what happens to those, or what to do to avoid problems with them?)

Inactivated departments no longer display on the Invoice Submittal department drop-down list when creating or editing invoices. An inactivated department'sBillingAccounts will remain activeuntilmanually inactivated.

To edit or inactivate a department:

  1. Under Core, select Departments.
  2. Select or Search for the department. (redundant?)
  3. Make desired edits to Name or Active status. No other fields are editable.
  4. Save.

HowDo Users GetAccessto BFS Tracker? (make sure its all explained in Managing Users; then cut)

Every employee of an onboardeddepartment is automatically assigned access to Invoice Submittals for their primary departmentafterthe employee logs in to Tracker for the first time. Once fully registered, the employee also has the ability to search Invoice Submittals.New or student employees may not have immediate access untilthe new employee’sdepartmentassignmenthas been updated in Workday orthestudent employee hasbeen added/assigned the appropriate departmentin the Django Admin Users Department.

IDT Billing and/or Letter Billaccess to view and/or submitisbased ona user’sprimary department.A user is added to the user list when they attempt to access Tracker for the first time. In addition, their department must be in the Department list and an Account with the same Department and Unit Code must exist.

Billinguserswill not have access andare not updated until several scripts have run to update department, account, and user information. If a user needs access to submit IDT and/or Letter bills for a department(s), Billing Credit must be assigned. When onboarding new billing users and/or departments, allow approximately 2–3weeks for all scripts to update  See additional details about scripts, below.

HowtoProvide Invoice Submittal Customers with Access to Multiple Departments (cut)

Customers that need to submit invoices for multiple departments are considered Super Customers in Tracker. Admin Supervisors managethis additional departmental permission; however, Admin Supervisors should not add or include a user's primary department; the primary department is automatically assigned when the user logs in to Tracker for the first time.The assignment of additional departments is onlyneededfor customers who needaccess to multiple departments for Invoice Submittals. The assignment of additional departments isnotneeded forInvoiceSubmittalProcessors, Supervisors, or View Only users, whoautomatically have access to allsubmit invoices for alldepartments. (Emily, should that read "all submitted invoices?")

Invoice Submittal Super Customers (any reason not to call them simply Super Customers?) are managed via the Manage Super Customers page (notthe Manage User page).If you are a BFS AdminSupervisor, your Home page includes the Manage Super Customers button.

To manage a Super Customer's assigned departments, first, using the search field at the top right of the table, search for the user name to check which departments are currently assigned. If changes are needed, follow these steps:

    1. Identifyand document or screen shotall currently assigned departments and determine which should or shouldn’t be retained
    2. Ifanydepartments need to be removed select the Remove X which will remove all currentdepartmentaccessthatislisted on thetable for the individual user
    3. To add departments:
      1. Search (via EID Lookup) or entersupercustomers EID
      2. Assign a department. Only one department can be added at a time.
      3. Select Add to save the new selection. Additions will be added tothe user’s Department list on this page’s table.
      4. Repeatfor each desired additional department.

HowtoProvide “Billing” CreditorDebit DepartmentsAccess toOne or More Departments orAccounts (CUT)

Customersmayneed to submitor viewBilling Invoices for multipledepartmentalaccounts and/or departmentsin Tracker. Admin Supervisors manage this additional department/accountpermission, but should not add or include the customers primary department(automatically assigned on the user's first login). Multiple departmental assignments are only forbillingcustomers who need access to multiple departmentaccounts. Billing admin do not need to be assigned additional departmentaccountssince they willautomatically have access to all submit bills for all departmentaccounts. (Should "submit bills" be "submitted bills"?)

Multi-department account access for billingis fully managed via the Manage Billing User page. Billing User is not aroleselection option on the Manage User page.

Billing debit departments can beprovided Billing IDT Search page view access toone or more debit departments and/or debit departmental accounts following the steps below.

Caution:BillingCredit Dept.Users must also be assigned the Billing Credit role to be able to submit bills, see role permissions below.

This will allowAdmin Supervisorsto provide billing credit department users access to submit IDT or Letter Bills for multiple departmentaccountsas needed. It will function similar to Invoice submittal Super Customer.

If you are a BFS AdminSupervisor, you can manage a Billing user's assignments. First, using the search field at the top right of the table, search for the user name to check which departments are currently assigned. If changes are needed, follow these steps:

  1. Onthe Tracker home page select Manage Billing User button.
  2. (Step missing here?). It is best practice to record (such as with a screen shot) the user's currently assigned departments.
  3. If departments need to beremoved, select the Remove button (X). This removes all departments assigned to the user.
  4. Toadddepartments:
    1. Search (via EID Lookup) or enter customers EID. 
    2. Assign a department. Only one department can be added at a time.
    3. Select Add to save the new selection. Additions will be added to the user’s Department list on this page’s table.
    4. Repeat for each desired additional department.

HowtoAssignTracker Role(s) (CUT)

Admin Supervisors can assign Users with other role assignments, giving them permission to invoice submittals, billing, etc. (Is this wording correct?) If you are an Admin Supervisor, assign additional access or roles on the Manage Users page. Navigate to that page by selecting the Manage Users tab on your Tracker Home page.

Roles that can manually be assigned include Invoice Submittal View Only, Processor, Supervisor, Billing Credit,BillingAdmin, and Admin Supervisor. (List doesn't match other lists of roles on other pages.) Users should only be assigned a single role for Invoice Submittals (View OnlyorProcessor or Supervisor) and Billing (Billing Credit orBillingAdmin). (Sentence needs to be clarified.) Admin Supervisors should be limited to a small number ofuserswithin the division.

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Managing Users
Managing Users

On the Manage User page, follow these steps to assign roles:

  1. In the search field in the top left, search for the User's EID to check what roles are currently assigned to them.
  2. It is best practice to record (such as with a screen shot) the user's currently assigned roles.
  3. If roles need to be removed, select the Remove button (X). This removes all departments assigned to the user.
  4. To add roles:
    1. Search (via EID Lookup) or enter the users EID. (Do they really need to search again?)
    2. Select ALL roles that the user should be assigned. To select multiple roles, press and hold Control (Ctrl), scroll using the scroll bar to the right of the Role field, and selectall desired roles for the user.
    3. Select ADDto save the selection role(s).

How to Manage BillingAccounts

 I think this is the only required part

If you are an Admin Supervisor, you can manually add Billing Credit Accounts via the Django Admin. Navigate to that page by selecting the Admin tab on your Tracker Home page.

On the Django Admin page, follow these steps to add Credit Accounts:

  1. Under Billing select Accounts.
  2. Search via Account Name, Number, or any column name to confirm that the Credit Account you would like to add does not already exist.
  3. If a Credit Account needs to be added:
    1. In the top right of the screen, select Add Accounts +
    2. Enter the Account Number, Name, and Purpose.
    3. Select Active and Is Credit Account.
    4. Enter Department Contact EID, CV3, Credit and Debit Object Code.
    5. Save.

Debit Departments are automatically added to the Accounts table when a Debit department IDT Account is billed via the Submit New IDT billsubmissions.

hatScripts Run, on What Schedule,and What Do TheyUpdate? (Ok to change "we" to "the system" (~10 instances-yes)) This content can be moved to the Automated tasks page


  • Define Update

    • Checks all invoices. If the invoice has a DEFINE Document ID, we get the check date, check number, and approval date from DEFINE.

    • For payment invoices, if there is a check date and number, we check for an approval date. If there is an approval date and the invoice has not been set as approved yet, we set it as approved. The invoice must have met all three criteria to be moved to approved. The invoice is then updated with the check date, check number, and approval date.

    • If the invoice is a non-payment type (Encumbrance, FBL, Deposits, Business Contracts, IDT Corrections, Contracts), we only check for an approval date before updating to approved. All but IDT Corrections also have a manual approval.

    • In PROD (the Production environment)-Runs Monday-Friday at 1:00 AM.

  • Manage Employees

    • Removes Staff status for terminated employees and adds Staff status for new employees. If the employee is no longer at the University or no longer part of a department in the table, the employee is deactivated. Otherwise, if we find a department for the employee, theyare activated with Staff status. This script also updates the employee’s primary department.

    • In PROD-Runs Saturday at 2:00 AM.

  • Cancel Rejected Requests

    • Cancels all rejected invoices after 45 days by updating their status to cancelled.

    • In PROD-Runs Monday-Friday at 12:00 AM.


  • Expired Business Contracts

    • Sets any business contract not already expired, cancelled, rejected, or in review to expired if the expiration date is before or equal to today's date.

    • In PROD-Runs Monday 8:00 PM.

  • Warning Business Contracts

    • Sends awarning email when a Business Contract is within 60 days of expiring of when the script runs. Runs weekly, so it emails about any business contracts that hit the 60-day warning period in that week. Excludes expired contracts or contracts in review/rejected/cancelledstatus.

    • In PROD-Runs Monday 8:00 PM.


  • Process Accounts

    • Checks if an account is active/inactive and then updates the Unit Code/Subunit Code if active. We get this information from IQ. If an account is inactive in IQ, we set it to inactive and add it to an email that goes out to the admins. If an account is active, we update the Unit Code and/or Subunit Code. Modified date is recorded for both.

    • Should run before Billing Auth.

    • In PROD – Runs Sunday at 1:00 AM.

  • Billing Auth - Manage Billing Users

    • Adds users to active accounts based on their Unit Codes/Subunit Codes. If an account does not have a Unit Code/Subunit Code, no users can be added to it. We look at both the department assigned to the user based on their main department and any departments assigned to them through Additional Billing Departments.

    • Should run after Process Accounts.

    • In PROD - Runs Sunday at 2:00 AM.

  • Process Bills

    • Bills with a status of 'Submitted' will be added to a dataset sent to the Mainframe for processing in DEFINE.

    • Currently in PROD - Runs Sunday at 1:00 AM.

Page Tree

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UT Tracker User's Guide
UT Tracker User's Guide