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(need to refine further)

In order for a user to have access to submit invoices, IDT bills, or letter bills, or to have permission to search as acredit ordebit department, that user's department must be on to the Department list.

Onboarding of a department is a manual entry ofDepartment Name and Unit Code via the Django Admin. Thislist of departments isalsoutilized to updateusers inthe Billing accountsto allow them toutilize the search page.

BFS AdminSupervisorsaccess theDjangoAdminvia the Admin tab on the Tracker home page. Thelistof departmentsshould includeallinvoice submittal, billing credit and debit departments. (need to clarify this list)

Before adding a new department, begin by searching to see if the Department and Unit Code already exist. If they do not, follow these steps.

  1. Under Core, select Departments.
  2. SelectAdd Department +
  3. Enter Department Name. This namedisplays onallinvoice submittals department drop-downfields. (Emily, can we clarify this?)
  4. Enter Department Unit Code.
  5. Select Active
  6. Save.

Caution: When editing or inactivating departments, take into considerationinvoices in progress and historical data. (Can we say what happens to those, or what to do to avoid problems with them?)

Inactivated departments no longer display on the Invoice Submittal department drop-down list when creating or editing invoices. An inactivated department'sBillingAccounts will remain activeuntilmanually inactivated.

To edit or inactivate a department:

  1. Under Core, select Departments.
  2. Select or Search for the department. (redundant?)
  3. Make desired edits to Name or Active status. No other fields are editable.
  4. Save.