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The software comes as part of the ttH multileptonic code, which is unfortunately a rather large code base.  Follow the check out procedures given in the CERN wiki page.  The scripts are all in the HWWtthCode/other/stack area.  Make sure you set up an athena release and RootCore every time you start a new session working with these scripts.

The scripts we're going to use are called and  They're part of a broader suite of programs based on, which allows you to do interactive querying and plotting of the MC and data from the command line.  Basically and automate calls to

The Input Data

You can use the files in /data/tth/v4_processed/trigpdf.  Any output of our ntupler will be compatible with this software (see 8 TeV tth Analysis for instructions to build and run that ntupler).  The ntupler expects the MC files to be provided with names of the form "DSID.root", and the data files to be "period*.root".  All files should be in the same directory.


The cuts are specified in yaml files, in lists like:

Code Block
- name: Three leptons, Mll
  cut: trilep_type>0&&passEventCleaning&&(lep_Pt_0>10e3&&lep_Pt_1>20e3&&lep_Pt_2>20e3)&&(top_hfor_type!=4)&&Mll01>12e3&&Mll02>12e3&&(abs(lep_ID_1)==13||lep_isVeryTightLH_1)&&(abs(lep_ID_2)==13||lep_isVeryTightLH_2)
- name: Trigger
  cut: trilep_type>0&&passEventCleaning&&(lep_Pt_0>10e3&&lep_Pt_1>20e3&&lep_Pt_2>20e3)&&(top_hfor_type!=4)&&Mll01>12e3&&Mll02>12e3&&(abs(lep_ID_1)==13||lep_isVeryTightLH_1)&&(abs(lep_ID_2)==13||lep_isVeryTightLH_2)&&(lep_Match_EF_mu24i_tight_0||lep_Match_EF_mu36_tight_0||lep_Match_EF_e24vhi_medium1_0||lep_Match_EF_e60_medium1_0||lep_Match_EF_mu24i_tight_1||lep_Match_EF_mu36_tight_1||lep_Match_EF_e24vhi_medium1_1||lep_Match_EF_e60_medium1_1||lep_Match_EF_mu24i_tight_2||lep_Match_EF_mu36_tight_2||lep_Match_EF_e24vhi_medium1_2||lep_Match_EF_e60_medium1_2)



Each cut is specified as a new list item ( - ) which contains a name (description which will be seen in the cutflow tex table) and the cut definition.

The simplest execution of the code is
DISPLAY="" python standard_3l_cutflow.yaml  --filedir '/data/onyisitth/tthv4_8TeV_processed/4/3lep_LCbtag_trigpdf/' --texout mycutflow.tex
This will dump the expected yields for the cuts specified in standard_3l_cutflow.yaml to the output file mycutflow.tex.  Since these cuts do not need to have any particular relationship to each other, you can make cutflows, or scan alternative signal regions, or whatever you would like to do.

To get a list of options, run
python - --help
(the extra hyphen is needed to tell ROOT not to interpret the --help itself).  These options let you change the MC that is being used, tweak the output of the cutflow script, or change the event weights that are being used (this is important for running systematic variations, but not for general running).  

Some standard configuration files:

  • standard_3l_cutflow.yaml: shows the standard 3l cutflow.

Dumping Plots

Two different things need to be specified for plots:

  • which selections (cuts) you want to apply for the events to appear in the plots,
  • which plots you want to make.

These are specified in two sections of the yaml file:

Code Block
- name: standardSR_l3
  label: 3l
  cut: trilep_type>0&&passEventCleaning&&(lep_Pt_0>10e3&&lep_Pt_1>20e3&&lep_Pt_2>20e3)&&(top_hfor_type!=4)&&Mll01>12e3&&Mll02>12e3&&(abs(lep_ID_1)==13||lep_isVeryTightLH_1)&&(abs(lep_ID_2)==13||lep_isVeryTightLH_2)&&(lep_Match_EF_mu24i_tight_0||lep_Match_EF_mu36_tight_0||lep_Match_EF_e24vhi_medium1_0||lep_Match_EF_e60_medium1_0||lep_Match_EF_mu24i_tight_1||lep_Match_EF_mu36_tight_1||lep_Match_EF_e24vhi_medium1_1||lep_Match_EF_e60_medium1_1||lep_Match_EF_mu24i_tight_2||lep_Match_EF_mu36_tight_2||lep_Match_EF_e24vhi_medium1_2||lep_Match_EF_e60_medium1_2)&&abs(total_charge)==1&&((nJets_OR_MV1_70>=1&&nJets_OR>=4)||(nJets_OR_MV1_70>=2&&nJets_OR==3))&&(lep_ID_0!=-lep_ID_1||(Mll01<81e3||Mll01>101e3))&&(lep_ID_0!=-lep_ID_2||(Mll02<81e3||Mll02>101e3))
- name: standardSR_l4Zdepleted
  label: 4l Z depleted
  cut: passEventCleaning&&(top_hfor_type!=4)&&quadlep_type>0&&(lep_Pt_0>25e3&&lep_Pt_1>15e3)&&passTriggerMatch&&abs(total_charge)==0&&minOSSFMll==0&&passZVeto&&nJets_OR>=2&&nJets_OR_MV1_70>=1&&100e3<Mllll0123&&Mllll0123<500e3

for cuts, and

Code Block
    - name: lep_Pt_0
      x: lep_Pt_0/1e3
      xlabel: 'p_{T}(lepton 0)'
      rng: [0,200]
      nbins: 20
      units: GeV
    - name: 'lep_Eta_0'
      x: 'lep_Eta_0'
      xlabel: '#eta(lepton 0)'
      rng: [-3,3]
      nbins: 20

for the plot specifications.

The simplest running of the code is
DISPLAY="" python standardCR_fornote.yaml --filedir '/data/tth/v4_processed/trigpdf/' --outdir output_dir_for_plots/ --texout standardCR_fornote.tex 
Many of the options to are the same as for (especially regarding the MC samples that are used). 

Some useful configuration files:

  • standardCR_fornote.yaml: the control regions used in Note 3
  • standardSR_fornote.yaml: the signal regions