Find viscosity [1] or angular displacement [0] : 0
Fluid dynamic viscosity in N-s/m^2 : 1
Motor speed high [1] or low [0] : 10
Gear high [2], medium [1], or low [0] : 01
Angular displacement of cylinder is 124192.9622 518 degrees.
The following is an example with the input of the program was a viscosity of .001 N-s/m^2, high motor speed, and the highest gear ratio.
Find viscosity [1] or angular displacement [0] : 0
Fluid dynamic viscosity in N-s/m^2 : 0.001
Motor speed high [1] or low [0] : 1
Gear high [2], medium [1], or low [0] : 2
Angular displacement of cylinder is 1.1908 degrees.
The program works in reverse as well. If one knows the angular displacement of the dial, then one can calculate the viscosity of the given fluid. The following is an example with the input of the program being an angular displacement of 45°, a high motor speed, and a medium gear ratio.
Find viscosity [1] or angular displacement [0] : 1
Angular displacement of dial in degrees : 45
Motor speed high [1] or low [0] : 1
Gear high [2], medium [1], or low [0] : 2
Fluid dynamic viscocity is 0.038957 N-s/m^2.