- It would be great if in a future version, that students could change the answers after entering them (or at least put in preliminary answers that are saved and then submit everything at the end).
- Along these lines--having buttons reading something like: "[Back] [Save and Continue] [Save] [Continue without saving]" could help mitigate issues from students not reading directions
- (why is this important? --) Students may want to recheck their work and realize that they have made a mistake before the end of the exam. In this case, they should be able to change their answers. Of course, the new answer may be incorrect but it should be their choice.
It also is not really ideal for students to wait until they are sure of their answer before submitting them since it is possible that they may run out of time. Permitting them to change their answers after the submission will help them avoid rushing and making mistakes unnecessarily.
- Make countdown timer visible to students.
- Improve finishing endtag. At the end, it says something to the effect that "Your answers are submitted." Maybe we should add "You may close the browser window and log out of quest".