- HDB 4.208C: human subject/participant check-in and waiting area–this area is private and closed off, accessible only by Psychiatry research faculty/staff and participants (furnished by the department with couch, table, chairs, children's table)
- HDB 4.208D: blood draws, medical evaluations, interviews, assessments collection, clinical assessments (furnished by the department with blood draw chair)
- HDB 4.208E: medical evaluations clinical assessments (for non-bio hazard use), interviews , assessments (furnished by the department with table, chair)
- HDB 4.208A: interviews, assessments (furnished by Lippard Lab)
- HDB 4.208P: interviews, assessments (furnished by the department with table, chairs, TV, whiteboard, conferencing ability)
- HDB 4.222A: interviews, assessments (furnished by Dunsmoor Lab)
- HDB 4.222B: interviews, assessments (furnished by the department with table, chairs, couch, partition)
- HDB 4.222R: blood drawscollection, medical evaluationsclinical assessments, interviews , assessments (furnished by the department with exam table, blood draw chair, refrigerator for research use only)