- The bwa mem alignment
- the program's progress output (on standard error) is redirected to a log file (2>hs_rna.bwamem.log)
- its alignment records (on standard output) is piped to the next step (conversion to BAM)
- Conversion of bwa mem's SAM output to BAM format
- recall that the -b option to samtools view says to output in BAM format
- Sorting the BAM file
- samtools sort takes the binary output from samtools view and writes a sorted BAM file.
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Count the FASTQ file reads:
The file has 100,000 reads. Generate alignment statistics from the sorted BAM file:
Output will look like this:
There were 133,570 alignment records reported for the 100,000 input reads. Because bwa mem can split reads and report two alignment records for the same read, there are 33,570 secondary reads reported here. |
Tip |
Be aware that some downstream tools (for example the Picard suite, often used before SNP calling) do not like it when a read name appears more than once in the SAM file. Such reads can be filtered, but only if they can be identified as secondary by specifying the bwa mem -M option as we did above. This option reports the longest alignment normally but marks additional alignments for the read as secondary (the 0x100 BAM flag). This designation also allows you to easily filter out the secondary reads with samtools view -F 0x104 if desired. |