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My name is Jessica Gonzales, and I am part of the Spring 2019 graduating class. My major is English, with a minor in communications. I am currently taking my second semester of Italian, hoping all goes well! I am part of the Texas Darlins and Texas Transfer Students. I enjoy crying over classes, coming home to relax, and reading and writing! I enjoy working here because of the great opportunities it provides, from helping students and parents to setting up a meeting in the conference room!


Tasha Torres

I am a 5th year iMPA major graduating with my Masters in May 2018. After starting my UT career in UGS, I’ve spent a lot of my time outside of class working with UGS, including UGS Council where I was Financial Director and as a FIG mentor of UGS FIGs for the past 3 years. Outside of those extracurriculars I am president of my a cappella group, One Note Stand, where I’ve gotten to travel to Los Angeles, Boston and various places around Texas to compete, film a reality TV show, and perform at events. After graduation, I will be working full-time at Ernst and Young as an auditor.
