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Run Retention Flag tool
Run Retention Flag tool

Disposal Authorization are processed by the Records Manager. Disposition process documentation available here:

.Information below is for archival purposes only.

The following procedure provides instructions for preparing the request(s) for Master Records disposal authorization. This procedure is designed to help the Administrator produce a report to be submitted to Records Management Service (RMS) for authorization of Master Records for disposal. Master Records can be deleted only after authorization is received from RMS.





  1. From the Vault menu select Reports...

2.  Choose Disposal Request Records then click select.

3.  In the Report box, under Select the scope of the report choose Master Records Pending Retention Review.

4.  From the Select the format of the report drop-down list, choose Microsoft Access Database.

5.  In the Save report in box, click on the selection button and navigate to the following path:  \\ecs-files\VPECS\ECS\Meridian\VPUO Meridian Records Disposal\Authorization to Dispose Master Records and select the Access file called *Disposal Request Records*.  Respond Yes when asked if you want to replace it.

6.  Make sure that Add to existing report and Open report when done are selected.  Click on the Generate button.

7.  A table will be created in the Disposal Request Records.mdb file.  The table name will be "Disposal Request Records (AR and No AR)_mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss PM".  When the table opens, confirm that it contains the correct number of records from the correct Collection.

8.  Select the table that was just created, right-click on the table and select Copy.

9.  Navigate to the MS Access file named VPUO Records Disposal.accdb and open the file.  (Note:  this file should be in the same folder as the Access file used in Step 5 above.)

10.  Select Paste from the Tools Ribbon and choose the Structure and Data option.

11.  Open the Disposal Request Records table that was just pasted into the VPUO Records Disposal MS Access file.  Use the Select All button or Ctrl+A to select all records in the table and Copy.

12.  Open the table named Overwrite current disposal records data into this table.  Select all records and paste the contents of the clipboard into the "overwrite" table.  Respond Yes when asked to confirm the action. 

Review the contents of the table named Overwrite current disposal records data into this table to verify that it contains the correct number of records and the required fields (ID, Master Record, Retention Type, Category Code, Function Code, Record Series Number, Retention Archive Review, Document Date, Retention Start Date, Retention Code, Retention Years, Log Number, UTRRS).

Close both tables in the VPUO Records Disposal MS Access database.

13.  Open the following Queries to confirm that the information within is correct:

  • RMS Disposal Request + UTRRS code & title (AR) -- this query is used to generate the request to Records Management Services to authorize disposal of master records that require archival review
  • RMS Disposal Request + UTRRS code & title (No AR) -- this query is used to generate the request to Records Management Services to authorize disposal of master records that do not require archival review
  • VPUO Disposal Records -- this query is used to generate a VPUO internal report that identifies the documents by title that are associated with the RMS report codes

14.  In the Reports section, open the Report RMS:  Disposal Request Records. The same template is used to generate reports for records that requre Archival Review and those that do not require Archival Review. The report will display records pulled from the last selected Query.

To prepare the Archival Review*** report for submission, confirm that the records displayed have an indicator (either I or O) in the Archival Review column (see red box in screen print). If the report does not display Archival Review records, refer to the next step for instructions to change the report source.

The records included in the report should match the records in the Query RMS Disposal Request + UTRRS code & title (AR). If the content is correct, print the report, sign and date on the Preparer line and have the VP or delegate sign and date on the Department Head line.

*Note:  These instructions assume that the AR or Archival Review report was generated first; however, depending on the order the reports were run the last time, it may be easier to generate the No AR or No Archival Review report first and then switch to the AR report source.  Simply reverse the instructions if necessary.

15.  Switch the record source to view and print the second RMS report

a. Switch to the Report Design View by clicking on the View button and selecting Design View from the list.

b. On the Design tab, click on the Property Sheet button.

c. In the report Property Sheet, go to the Data tab and click on the drop-down button in the field next to Record Source. Select the Query called RMS Disposal Request + UTRRS code & title (No AR)*.

d. Switch back to the Report View by clicking on the View button and selecting Report View from the list.

e. Confirm that the content in the report has been changed to reflect the records not requiring Archival Review.  If the content of the report is correct and accurate, print the report, sign and date on the Preparer line and have the VP or delegate sign and date on the Department Head line.

Close the RMS Disposal Request report.

*Note:  These instructions assume that the AR or Archival Review report was generated first; however, depending on the order the reports were run the last time, it may be easier to generate the No AR or No Archival Review report first and then switch to the AR report source.  Simply reverse the instructions if necessary.

a. switch to Design View

b. click the Property Sheet button

c. switch the Record Source

d. switch back to the Report View

e. confirm report content

16. In the Reports section, open the Report VPUO:  Disposal Request Records. This report provides a comprehensive list of the names of the documents submitted for RMS disposal, sorted and grouped by UTRRS code. PDF a copy of this report for future reference. Place PDF into Meridian with retention schedule ACC116, Records Disposition Log.


End of prepare request(s) for disposal authorization procedure.


