Panel |
borderColor | black |
borderWidth | 1 |
borderStyle | solid |
title | Table of Contents |
Included applications are:
- 7-Zip
- Adobe Acrobat
- Google Chrome
- Box Drive
- Zoom
- Code42
- Mozilla Firefox
- Microsoft Edge
- Notepad ++
- VLC Media Player
- Many more have been added, please see the attached spreadsheet.
Applications are being added in phases, the spreadsheet has a breakdown of which applications are included in each phase.
View file |
name | PMPC Catalog.xls |
height | 150 |
Note: The list is too large for preview.
Filter by label (Content by label) |
excludeCurrent | true |
cql | label = "configmgr" and label = "pmpc" and space = currentSpace() |