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The Austin Active Directory Department User Tools are used to manage a Department's user accounts using a convenient and easy to use web interface.


RoleAvailable ActionsHow a User Falls into Scope of the Role
Department OU Owner

When a Department OU is created, the requestor provides a list of the initial OU Owners.

Department OU Owners can edit (add/remove) owners of the Department OU.

If a Department falls in the scenario where there are no valid OU Owners (for example, all of the owners are former staff), the owners can be updated by one of the following processes:

  • The Head of the Department submits a request to the AD team, specifying the EIDs of the new OU Owners.
  • The department contacts the ISO who will submit a request to the AD team, specifying the EIDs of the new OU Owners.
Account AssigneeDepartment OU Owners can specify the assignee(s) of a User Account.

Note that a user account can have only one assignee (it is intended to be used by a single person) while a service account can have one or more assignees.
Account ClaimantAn assignee of a user account who has claimed it.

Add a Department OU Owner


  1. Log into the Department User Tools on
  2. From the menu on the left side of the page, under the User Accounts section, click on Create User.
  3. Select the desired Department OU from the Select a Department OU drop down list.
  4. Under User Name enter the user name for the new user that you are creating. Note that the user name is automatically prefixed with the Department OU Name followed by a dash.
    You do not need to re-enter this prefix when setting the user name.
  5. Select the account type: User or Service.
  6. Select whether you want to Self-Claim the new User account.
    Select Yes if you want to claim the new user for your own use.
    Select No if you are creating this new user for someone else and want to assign it to them.
  7. Optionally provide a description for the new user under Account Description.
    This is optional but highly recommended. You can note who/what the new account is being created for.
    (For Example: Bobby Bevo's Admin Account or Service Account for running SQL Server on staff portal server)
  8. If you opted to self-claim the account, you will set the password.
    For password requirements, refer to KB0019439.
  9. If you did not self-claim the account, you will set the assignee(s).
    Note that a user account can have only one assignee (it is intended to be used by a single person) while a service account can have one or more assignees.
    • Under Enter the assignee EID, enter the EID of the person you are assigning the new account to
    • Optionally check the Exact Match checkbox if you have entered the exact EID to search on.
      (For example, when searching abc1 with the checkbox unchecked, the search results will include abc1, abc12, abc123, etc.).
    • Click the Check Names button.
    • Select the desired user in the Search Results.
    • Click the Add Selected Assignee button.
  10. Click the Create User button


Claim AccountUser

  1. Log into the Department User Tools on
  2. From the menu on the left side of the page, under the Account Claiming section, click on .
  3. Select the desired Department OU from the Select a Department OU drop down list.
  4. Select the desired account from the list of Accounts assigned to you.
    You can filter the list of accounts shown to you by using the options below the list of accounts: Show only unclaimed accounts, Show all assigned accounts.
  5. To claim the account while keeping the existing password, check the box labelled Keep existing password.
  6. To claim the account while setting a new password, uncheck the box labelled Keep existing password.
    Enter the new password and confirm the new password.
    For password requirements, refer to KB0019439.
  7. Click the Claim this Account button.


Change Account User Password

  1. Log into the Department User Tools on
  2. From the menu on the left side of the page, under the Account Claiming section, click on Change Account Password.
  3. Select the desired account from the list of Accounts claimed by you.
  4. Enter the new password and confirm the new password.
  5. Click the Set Password button.