The Request By Attribute process is centered around each department's Adminstrative OU. The Administrative OU for a department is the Each department in Active Directory has an Administrative OU that contains the resources managed by the Department User Tools such as department user accounts and the department's Department Adminstrators group.
- The distinguished name of the Administative OU for the EXAMPLE department would be: OU=EXAMPLE,OU=Departments,OU=Administrative,DC=austin,DC=utexas,DC=edu
- The name of the Department Administrators group for the EXAMPLE department would be: EXAMPLE-Administrators
The Request By Attribute process relies upon the security of the attributes leverages the requests attribute and results attribute on each department's Administrative OU object. The attributes are confidential and cannot be accessed by default. Access to the attributes has been granted to the request process and each department's Department Administrators group.The specific attributes and the permissions granted to the attributes are as follows:The request process and Active Directory team have been granted permissions
- The requests attribute for a department is the utexasEduAustinMulti1 attribute on a the department's Administrative OU. The associated members of the department's Department AdminstratorsAdministrators group can read and write the attribute to this attribute submit requests for processing.
- The results attribute for a department is the utexasEduAustinMulti2 attribute on a the department's Administrative OU. The associated members of the department's Department AdminstratorsAdministrators group can read this the attribute to review the results of any processed requests.