The preferred method of joining Joining a class or office hours is through Canvas
- Log into your Canvas course site; Click on Zoom in the left toolbar to locate links to join the class in Zoom
- IMPORTANT NOTE on Office Hours: If your professor has separate Canvas sites for each section or they host a single set of office hours for all their different courses, it's likely that the professor will not set up office hours in Canvas. In this case, they may share a direct link through which you join per steps below. The key takeaway is that you will need to talk with your professor about how to join office hours
If you receive a link directly in an email from an instructor
- Students can locate Zoom international numbers from this site:
Still, need help?
Go to the Student Troubleshooting page first. If that doesn't help:
- Email
- Call 512-232-6679 (GSB/CBA) and 512-232-4646 (RRH)
For all other UT students, please contact your respective college or school