If your specialized comps are done by oral exam:
The major professor should schedule a zoom meeting directly with the student (and committee if that's the way you do it) and let Joseph, our Grad Coordinator (GC), know after the exam has happened, who was there, student's EID, and the results.
If your specialized comps are done as a special project (like the online-Website project used for MM comprehensive exams in BWP):
Whoever grades these should send results (use EIDs) to Joseph after the exam has happened.
If your specialized comps are done as a timed-writing:
You can use the system we just used for common comps, whereas one faculty "administrator" and student(s) sign in to a zoom meeting at a specified time, then the questions are sent via email to everyone, and the zoom meeting ends. The student sends their answers back to the faculty administrator within a given time frame. You can make the exam 'open book' or have them sign an affidavit saying that they didn't use outside sources, your choice. After the exam, the faculty grades and sends the results (with the student's EID and answer in PDF form) to Joseph.
If your specialized comps are done by committee as a take-home exam: