This page will be frequently updated to include answers to questions that are being sent to BSoM staff and administration. In addition to the information on this page, here are some links to College and University-level sources:
All recitals that were planned for the remainder of Spring 2020 by students who are not graduating in May will be rescheduled for early Fall (before October 15). Page Stephens will reach out before the end of the semester with instructions for requesting a new date. These rescheduled recitals will have scheduling priority. Your recital fee will remain on your account and be counted towards your rescheduled recital.
for Faculty
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Online Teaching Tools
If you have already worked out a different way of delivering online instruction that works for you, go for it! If you think your approach solves a common problem, please send it to Mary Ellen Poole and Jeff Hellmer for potential inclusion in a future FAQ email.