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ECE Graduate Coordinators,: Tom Atchity, Barry Levitch and Melanie Gulick.


ECE Human Resources Representative,: Laura P. Flores
Laura assists students with Graduate Research Assistantships (GRAs); Teaching Assistantships (TAs); Graduate Assistantships, etc.; student employment paperwork such as applying for an SSN; time sheets; and other employment matters. She also assists visiting scholars, researchers and postdocs. International students must enter Laura P. Flores’ name and email address in myIO for purposes of Financial Verification related to extensions of stay. In addition, students applying for extensions of stay should send an email to Laura to inform her that they are applying for an extension of stay, and include their name, EID, and the name and email address of their supervising professor.

ECE Graduate Studies Committee: 
Graduate education is the responsibility of the members of Graduate Studies Committees. The ECE GSC consists primarily of all the assistant, associate, and full professors who are active in the ECE graduate program.The ECE faculty elect a chair of the ECE GSC. One member of the ECE GSC serves as the Graduate Advisor and is responsible for administering the graduate program. The ECE GSC sets program-specific requirements for the ECE graduate degrees, and recommends students for admission to candidacy for ECE degrees. The ECE GSC delegates the responsibility to recommend students for admission to an Academic Track in the ECE graduate program to the faculty associated with each Academic Track within ECE. A link to the current GSC roster is HERE.

Obtaining Signatures
Contact an ECE Graduate Coordinator for assistance with obtaining the approval and/or signature of the ECE Graduate Advisor or ECE GSC chair on documents rather than contacting these professors directly. In most cases, students must ask their Track Advisor if they have no supervising professor, or their supervising professor, to send an email to the Graduate Coordinator to confirm the first level of approval of a process or a request before the ECE Graduate Advisor or ECE GSC chair reviews and possibly signs or approves a document, or before a Graduate Coordinator prepares a petition letter requiring the signature or the ECE Graduate Advisor or ECE GSC chair. Documents that require the signature of the Graduate Advisor or Program Graduate Advisor cannot be signed by the Track Advisor

ECE Guides and Procedures

This section of the ECE Advising webpages is in progress. Watch for emails about registration and other matters from the ECE Graduate Coordinators