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FMLA: the Family Medical Leave Act of 1993; the abbreviation is commonly used to refer to the unpaid time off allowed under the provisions of this Federal law. (See also FMLA (HR site) and HOP 5-4310: Family and Medical Leave )

Return to Work: When an employee has been awarded FMLA hours on a continuous basis due to their own serious health condition, they must provide their supervisor with a completed Return to Work Release Form signed by an authorized medical provider, before they are permitted to return to work. 

MID: Please see Modified Instructional Duties.

  • Generally speaking, caring for oneself or a member of one’s immediate family due to illness or disability does not qualify a faculty member for MID, but there are cases where MID might be appropriate, and during those times MID interacts with sick leave and FMLA in specific ways.

  • MID is most commonly requested when a faculty member needs to be released from teaching because of responsibilities as the principal caregiver of a healthy pre-school child (or children).

Timekeeping: the process by which an employee keeps track of their hours worked and hours of paid time off used (when applicable); often involves submitting timesheets on a weekly basis.


If a benefits-eligible faculty member is on the University's payroll;

AND is ill or injured and cannot work;


goes to an appointment with a health professional;


is confined due to pregnancy;


accompanies an immediate family member to a health-related appointment;


misses work to care for an immediate family member who is ill, injured, or confined due to pregnancy;


attends a parent-teacher conference for their child(ren);


participates in any other sick-leave-use appropriate activity not already mentioned;}


it happens between the hours of 8AM and 5PM on a weekday (Mon.-Fri.),


it is not a UT holiday or day in which the University is officially closed;


the faculty member is supposed to report the hours of sick leave used during that period.


At that point, the department manager should obtain answers to the following questions:

  1. How long will the faculty member be absent? Will this be a medium- to long-term absence?

  2. Might the faculty member be eligible for FMLA?

  3. How many hours of paid sick leave does the faculty member have available?

  4. How will this impact the faculty member’s teaching responsibilities? Will a course need to be canceled or will a replacement faculty member be needed?

  5. Will the faculty member need to be released fully from their responsibilities or will they continue working on a part-time basis? If on a part-time basis, how much and which of their responsibilities will they be able to continue performing?

By answering these questions, departments will be able to determine which among the following scenarios apply. Each of these basic scenarios includes core steps to follow. These scenarios are not mutually exclusive. For example, a situation might have a teaching/course impact and also have FMLA consequences and also include a faculty member without paid sick leave – in such instances, department managers will need to integrate procedures from each relevant scenario:


Scenario 1: Faculty sick leave will have teaching/course impact

  1. Department Chair determines viable solutions.

  2. Department Chair contacts Associate Dean for Academic Affairs to inform the associate dean and receive approval for the proposed solution.

  3. Department manager follows up as needed with any next steps (e.g., canceling a course, hiring a replacement instructor).

  4. Department manager notifies COLA HR. COLA HR will also notify the Provost's Office.

Scenario 2: Faculty member may be eligible for and/or need FMLA

  1. Department manager submits request to have FMLA materials sent to faculty member.

  2. Department manager notifies COLA HR

    1. Usually, someone from COLA HR is also cc:ed on the FMLA Award (or Denial) notifications sent by Leave Management in Central HR, but, if not, please forward those to us.

  3. Return to Work: When returning from continuous FMLA, faculty must turn the Return to Work Release Form into the Department Manager (acting on behalf of the Chair):

  4. The Department Manager keeps the completed form on file and notifies COLA HR that the employee is authorized to return

    1. Please refer to HR's FMLA guidance for complete information regarding returning to work, including returning with restrictions. Further steps will be required if the faculty member is not authorized to return to work full time.

Scenario 3: Faculty member will need to go on 100% Leave Without Pay and has available FMLA hours

  1. Department Manager determines the date 100% LWOP needs to begin (due to insufficient sick hours).

  2. Department manager notifies COLA HR.

  3. COLA HR will submit Faculty Request for Leave.

  4. Department


  1. submits an Absence Request (see WIG) covering the relevant time period, entering 8 hours per day of unpaid time off concurrent with 8 hours of FMLA per day, and noting in comments the date FMLA will be exhausted.

  2. Once FMLA hours are exhausted, APS will adjust faculty member’s status in WD to “On Leave” and make any needed updates to timesheets.

Scenario 4: Faculty member will need to go on 100% Leave Without Pay and has no available FMLA hours

  1. Department Manager determines the date 100% LWOP needs to begin.

  2. Department manager notifies COLA HR

  3. COLA HR will submit Faculty Request for Leave.

  4. APS will adjust faculty member’s status in WD to “On Leave” and make any needed updates to timesheets.

Scenario 5: Faculty member will need to go on unpaid time off (a.k.a., partial leave without pay).

  1. Department chair determines what faculty member's responsibilities will be during period of partial work and partial unpaid time off.

  2. Department chair notifies Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and requests approval for proposed plan of work.

  3. Department manager determines the date unpaid time off needs to begin.

  4. Department manager notifies COLA HR

  5. COLA HR will submit Faculty Request for Leave.

    1. The next step is dependent on whether the faculty member has FMLA or Parental Leave or not:

      1. If FMLA or Parental Leave: Department Manager/Faculty member ensure timesheets are completed--or absence request submitted--, entering concurrent unpaid time off and FMLA/Parental Leave.

      2. If No FMLA or Parental Leave, APS will


      1. process the absence request for unpaid time off.

Scenario 6: Faculty member has enough paid leave to cover time out sick or injured. (Note: if illness or injury is work-related, please follow Worker's Comp guidance (see Definitions).

  1. Department manager/Faculty member ensure timesheets are completed and/or may submit an Absence Request recording the time.

    1. If FMLA is awarded, enters concurrent FMLA time off.

    2. If short-term with no teaching/course impact, no further action required.

    3. If longer-term and/or teaching/course impact, notify COLA HR; assess situation; and follow steps in Scenario 1 and/or steps outlined in other applicable scenarios.

Scenario 7: Faculty member does not have enough paid leave to cover time out sick or injured. (Note: if illness or injury is work-related, please follow Worker's Comp guidance (see Definitions).

  1. Department manager notifies faculty member of option to apply for sick leave pool or to have sick leave donated.

  2. Department manager notifies COLA HR.

  3. Department manager tracks development of sick leave pool application and/or sick leave donation.

  4. Department manager notifies COLA HR of final outcome;

    1. If hours are donated or sick pool is approved, complete timesheets and/or absence request, as in Scenario 5.

    2. If no sick leave pool or donated hours, process initiated for leave without pay or unpaid time off (see above).

Scenario 8: Faculty member is on a research-related leave--or release from teaching--but cannot work due to illness or injury.

  1. Department chair notifies Associate Dean for Academic Affairs.

  2. Department manager notifies COLA HR.

  3. Subsequent steps determined on a case-by-case basis.


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