Contact Flows are visual representations of how Amazon Connect routes calls. They look like flowcharts, and their blocks include actions like assigning a call to a queue, playing a message or hold music, requesting user input, etc.
Our current configuration of Amazon Connect uses the following contact flows: - LAITS Call Introduction
- LAITS Main Queue Flow
- The heavy lifter. This flow does a lot - it checks our hours of operations and plays appropriate messages/solicits relevant input. It then routes the call appropriately
- LAITS Queue
- This flow handles the hold/waiting loop. It plays hold music and asks the customer if they'd like to receive a call back rather than waiting in queue
- LAITS Bot Chat
- This flow handles chats initiated by the chatbot
- LAITS Basic Chat
- This flow handles chats initiated by visiting
LAITS Main Queue Flow- The heavy lifter. This flow does a lot - it checks our hours of operations and plays appropriate messages/solicits relevant input. It then routes the call appropriately
- LAITS Queue
- This flow handles the hold/waiting loop. It plays hold music and asks the customer if they'd like to receive a call back rather than waiting in queue
- LAITS Bot Chat
- This flow handles chats initiated by the chatbot
- LAITS Basic Chat
- This flow handles chats initiated by visiting