LAITS staff assist units with the management of building wired and wireless networks. Our team supports departments with moves/adds/changes, troubleshooting, managing cabling and hardware work orders, and network lifecycle and budgeting. We assist units with provisioning and troubleshooting phones, updating caller ID, provisioning and resetting voicemail.
Table of Contents
- LAITS is generally the first responder to network outages for customers that we support.
- A Network Outage response is expected for routers and switches, or for wide-scale WAP outages.
- LAITS Staff do not respond to individual WAP outages: those should be escalated to ITS-Networking by a ServiceNow Incident
Device Management
- Switch Management
- Routers
- Wireless
- VLANS / Subnets
- DHCP / Static IP configuration
- VPN Access
LAITS Staff can assist with:
Activate and deactivate network ports (ACOs) upon request
troubleshoot printer connections
Provide Static IP and DNS hostnames for printers
Change the VLAN or subnet of a port/ACO upon request
Configure DNS hostnames upon request
By default, staff will add new ports to a standard subnet, unless other instructions are given
otherwiseDHCP is standard
Configure small firewall devices, if needed
must be purchased by the customer
LAITS Staff do not:
- Monitor or Restrict network activity; the UT ISO scans for security threats
- Provide unauthorized access to network equipment/closets to unauthorized parties
- Run cables under doorways or through ceiling tiles
- Permanently 'daisy chain' network devices
- i.e. connecting a computer to the port in the back of a phone, rather than to a dedicated port
- Staff regularly disconnect network ports that have not had activity for over 90 days
- Maintain switch port records with ITS, including cable locations and wall port names
- Upgrade network equipment software after updates are released from ITS
- Send outage notifications to specified departmental contacts
- Allow active, unused ports in public areas
Planning & Budgeting
- Identify network hardware eligible for replacement
- Send budget estimates upon request
- Pay for hardware
- Support hardware past the vendor's end-of-life; this is enforced by ITS-Networking and Telecommunication
Adding New Cables or Switch
This Ports refers to the process of putting a network port where one does not currently exist. ITS standards and costs related to pulling cables, are the responsibility of the requesting unit.
Deploy a new phone or line
Update Caller ID
Printer set up
Request an Ethernet cable
Phone Configuration
- Reset voicemail PIN
- Clear voicemail boxes
- Answer basic questions and provide minimal training about phones & voicemail
- Maintain an inventory of spare customer phone equipment
- Provision phones for new faculty or staff
- Customer inventory will be used, LAITS does not
giveprovide free phones
- Customer inventory will be used, LAITS does not
- Coordinate with ITS to purchase or configure (3-5 day lead time)
- Caller ID
- new phone numbers
- basic phones (1 line)
- business phones (up to 5 lines)
- Establish shared or Individual conference bridges
- fax lines (may take 2-3 weeks)
- International dialing