Office of the Dean of Students
The Student Services Building (SSB) houses the Office of the Dean of Students, which offers many services for students. Below are some of the services offered:
- Financial Services
- Judicial Services
- Legal Services for Students
- Multicultural Information Center
- Student Ombuds Services
- Services for Students with Disabilities
- Student Activities and Leadership Development
- Student Government
Student Protections
University Policy on Academic Complaints
Graduate students have the right to seek redress of any grievance related to their academic affairs. Students may seek to to resolve grievances informally between the student and the faculty member most directly involved or, such efforts failing, with the Graduate Adviser, the Chair of the Graduate Studies Committee, and/or the Department Chair. Formal grievance policies are detailed below.
A student in the Department of Educational Psychology has the right to petition the GSC, through the GSC Executive Committee, on matters relating to their academic progress, including requests for a leave of absence, waiver of degree requirements, etc. To file a petition, you should first work with your program Area Chair, who will need to obtain support of your request from the Graduate Adviser, who will then petition the GSC Executive Committee if the request is supported.
When serious issues cannot be resolved informally, the graduate student will have recourse to further formal grievance procedures.
University Policies Protecting Students
The University has numerous policies protecting the rights of students, all covered in the General Information Catalog.
- Equal educational opportunity
- Prohibition of sexual harassment of students
- Prohibition of racial harassment of students
- Prohibition of sexual assault
- Policy on AIDS and HIV infection
- Residency regulations
- Scholastic dishonesty (under Institutional Rules)
Student Grievance Procedure for Non-academic Complaints
Complaints related to non-academic issues (such as sexual or racial harassment or sexual assault) are handled by the Office of the Dean of Students.
Student Employee Grievances
Student employees (TAs, AIs, etc.) who have grievances should refer to the policies in the Handbook of Operating Procedures.
Student Ombuds Services
The Student Ombuds Services office serves as a neutral third party providing assistance to students who have University-related complaints of a non-legal nature. The Ombuds office is authorized to investigate grievances involving both academic and nonacademic concerns and recommend corrective measures. Any case considered inappropriate may be declined by the Ombudsperson. Seeking assistance from the Student Ombuds Services office is most appropriate if remedies within the student’s area/program, Department, and Graduate School have been unsatisfactory.
Adjudicating Grievances of Graduate Students
When serious issues cannot be resolved informally, graduate students have recourse to a formal grievance procedure conducted as outlined below. It should be noted that the precise procedure to be followed in adjudicating a given grievance will depend on the particular circumstances surrounding the case. Each graduate student may express a grievance through the following procedures with the assurance of timely and thorough consideration. Grievants are assured freedom from reprisals for the filing of their grievances. A student must initiate the complaint within six months of the acquisition of knowledge of the grievance. All complaints must be submitted in writing.