Education, Policy
M.Ed. (EPP)
Becoming the next generation of leaders and analysts who will significantly and positively change public educationStudents gain a theoretical foundation in policy development, implementation and evaluation, school law, poverty and educational policy, and critical policy analysis. Students will be prepared to work in the legislature, research entities, community organizations, human rights groups, nonprofits, school districts, and consulting agencies.
Program Coordinators:
Dr. Christopher Brown
Dr. Sofia Malik
Higher Education Leadership
and Policy,
Advancing the personal and intellectual development of individuals seeking careers as academic and student services educators and professionals in institutions of higher education, government agencies, and non-profit organizations
Program Coordinators:
Dr. Michael Goodman
Dr. Liliana Garces
Dr. Lauren Schudde
Texas Principal
Leadership Academy,
M.Ed. (TPLA)
Preparing public school leaders within our top-ranked Department of Educational Leadership and PolicyThis program is designed to prepare graduates to take the Principal as Instructional Leader EC-12 exam and become leaders of socially just, equitable and high-achieving public schools in Texas. Our graduates’ first-time exam passing rate is typically 97%, exceeding the state average.
Program Coordinators:
Dr. Debra Cantu
Dr. Terrance Green
Click Here to Learn More About TPLA