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A. Routine Access to Facilities

MRI Area Classifications:

With the exception of the waiting area at the IRC, the IRC facilities are restricted.  Permission must be granted by an IRC staff member or researcher for access to areas within the IRC.  Persons not having UT credentials must be escorted when in the restricted areas unless specific access has been granted by the IRC Director.  Figures 1 shows the controlled areas. 

Access to the IRC is controlled by electronic card readers, biometrics, and key locks, allowing access for MRI safety trained individuals such as IRC staff and users.  Other individuals, such as visitors and research subjects may only enter the IRC under escort by a qualified member of the IRC staff or a trained user.  Entry into Areas A and B is further restricted.  There are three purposes for controlling access to these areas:

1) to control the entry of ferromagnetic items and other materials which might cause injury to research subjects, personnel, or equipment

2) to preclude persons with medical conditions that may be aggravated by the static magnetic field of the MR system from entering into the field

3) to prevent untrained individuals from disturbing or tampering with the MRI equipment.


Figure 1:

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Area Designation


Area A

Magnet Rooms

Area B

Control rooms and MR equipment rooms

Area C

Scan prep areas

Area D

Waiting area

Area E

All remaining unclassified areas (uncolored)


Area A:  
Access to Area A (magnet room) will be restricted to level 1 and 2 users, and those individuals who have been briefed and screened by a level 2 user.  Only level 2 users shall be granted card swipe access to area A.  Metallic items, wallets/purses, hearing aids and other items that could become projectiles and/or be damaged by the static magnetic field will be secured in personal storage lockers before entering the control room.  The level 2 certified user on duty has the responsibility to restrict access to Area A only to individuals who have been properly screened, and to ask individuals acting in an unsafe manner to leave the room.  The level 2 certified user must be in the magnet or control room when the magnet room is occupied by a non-level 2 trained user.

Casual staff will not be allowed in the magnet room unless screened and supervised by the level 2 certified user.  Only cleaning equipment specifically designed for use in the magnet room, or approved by the Operations Administrator will be allowed into the magnet room.

Magnetic and metal objects will not be allowed into the IRC magnet room unless prior arrangements have been made with the Operations Administrator and specific safety precautions have been taken.  During use of the magnet room, its door is to be kept closed as much as possible to reduce the possibility of inadvertent entry. 

When a subject is being inserted into the magnet or being removed from the magnet, two people are required to be present in the control room; one being the level 2 certified user.  While the subject is in the magnet, the level 2 user shall not be left alone for more than five minutes at a time.

Area B:

Access to Area B (control room and MR equipment room) is limited by an electronic card reader and/or keyed door.  Only level 2 certified users and senior staff members will have direct access to area B.  Level 1 certified users may occupy the control room alone with the explicit permission of a level 2 certified user on the premises.  In this case, the allowing level 2 user assumes full responsibility as s/he would if actually in the room.  Under no circumstances will non-certified users (subjects, visitors, etc.) occupy the control room without a level 2 certified user physically in the control or magnet room. 

Access privileges to the MR equipment room are the same as the control room.  However, the level 2 user should take special care when granting access.  Only those users who understand the use and operation of the equipment in that room should touch anything.

Area C:
Access to Area C (scan preparation area) is limited by an electronic card reader.  All non-certified people must be escorted into the area, and accompanied at all times by a certified researcher or senior staff member.

Areas D and E:
Access to Areas D and E can be granted by any certified user or IRC staff.  Since there are minimal risks associated with these areas, there are no special requirements for those that enter.  However, the person granting access should make sure that those that are granted access understand that that they may only occupy Areas D and E.