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For Probationary Period extension requests related to COVID-19, see COE: Extension of Probationary Period for COVID-Related Impact.





Tenure-Track Assistant Professors

The maximum probationary period that may be served as a tenure-track Assistant professor is seven years. The probationary period refers to the period of time at the end of which a tenure-track faculty member is put up for tenure. A tenure-track assistant professor must be reviewed no later than the sixth year of the probationary period.

Only full-time service during long sessions (September 1-May 31) in the academic rank of Instructor or Assistant Professor, or any combination thereof, shall be counted toward fulfillment of a required probationary period related to the acquisition of tenure. Full-time service is defined as holding a 100% time appointment in the University for both the fall and spring semesters of an academic year on faculty salaries and/or on any other funds administered by the University, and being in full compliance with Regental standards pertaining to the minimum faculty teaching requirements.

Periods during which a faculty member is on leave of absence without salary from the University or is serving in the rank of Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Specialist or any rank carrying the description "visiting," "clinical," or "adjunct," or periods of prior academic service at any institution other than The University of Texas at Austin shall not be counted toward fulfillment of a required probationary period related to the acquisition of tenure. The title Visiting Assistant Professor is not used at UT Austin.

Tenure-Track Associate and Full Professors

 Individuals appointed to the associate professor or professor ranks without tenure must be reviewed no later than the third year of their probationary period.

titleCalculating probationary status

Calculating Probationary Status


Flow chart

Click on image below to enlarge. Source.



Tenure-Track Assistant Professor - no leaves and/or extensions

YearPromotion-related activities
2018-19 (hire)Probationary year 1
2019-20Probationary year 2


Probationary year 3
2021-22Probationary year 4
2022-23Probationary year 5
Summer 2023Letters gathered from external reviewers
2023-24Probationary year 6 and year of review
Spring 2024Final decision

If promoted: First year as Associate Professor

If not promoted: Terminal appointment year

Tenure-Track (untenured) Associate or Full Professor - no leaves and/or extensions

YearPromotion-related activities
2021-22 (hire)Probationary year 1
2022-23Probationary year 2
Summer 2023Letters gathered from external reviewers
2023-24Probationary year 3 and year of review
Spring 2024Final decision

titleProbationary Period extensions

General information


For professional (non-tenure) track and tenured faculty, the Personal Circumstances Flag can be requested to stop the promotion clock for a year, analogous to the probationary period extension available to tenure-track faculty.

See EVPP: Probationary Period Extensions for Tenure-Track Faculty.

The probationary period refers to the period of time at the end of which a tenure-track faculty member is put up for tenure. A tenure-track assistant professor must be reviewed no later than the sixth year of the probationary period and individuals appointed to the associate professor or professor ranks without tenure must be reviewed no later than the third year of their probationary period.

A probationary period extension is a tenure-clock extension. A year during which an extension is applied does not count toward the maximum number of years allowed for the probationary period.

A tenure track faculty member who determines that certain personal circumstances may impede their progress toward achieving demonstration of eligibility for recommendation of the award of tenure may make a written request for extension of the probationary period specifying the reasons for the requested extension. Personal circumstances that may justify the extension include, but are not restricted to: disability or illness of the faculty member; status of the faculty member as the principal caregiver of a preschool child; or, status of the faculty member as a principal caregiver of a disabled, elderly, or ill member of the family of the faculty member.

A probationary period extension may also be granted in conjunction with Modified Instructional Duties, but must be requested separately.

Probationary period extensions related to COVID-19

Assistant Professors who were in rank during academic years 2020-21 and/or 2021-22 who were impacted by COVID-19 are eligible for an additional COVID-related probationary period extension, which does not count towards the maximum two available in rank. See COE: Extension of Probationary Period for COVID-Related Impact for more information.

Requesting a probationary period extension

The probationary period extension request must be made no later than the end of the spring semester (i.e. by May 31st) before the faculty member’s mandatory tenure review year.

1) Before beginning, review EVPP: Probationary Period Extensions for Tenure-Track Faculty and HOP 2-2020: Extension of the Tenure Track Probationary Period.

2) Department AM submits form "Personal Circumstances FlagProbationary Period Extension" at Faculty Affairs/APS ServiceNow: Complete Forms.

  • In the section "Required Approval Routing," add the following:
    • Dean's Staff: Claire Bush. Field is required in COE
    • Dean or Dean Designate: Beth Maloch


titleRescinding extensions

Rescinding an approved probationary period extension

A request to rescind an approved probationary period extension must be submitted in writing to the department chair no later than February 1 of the calendar year associated with the candidate’s intended fall promotion review. 


If a tenure-track Assistant Professor who joined UT-Austin faculty in that rank in fall 2015 received one probationary period extension, then they would be up for review at latest in fall 2021. If the faculty member instead chose to rescind the extension, the request to rescind must be received not later than by February 1, 2020 before the promotion review academic year 2020-21.

If a tenure-track Assistant Professor with an approved probationary period extension decides that they would prefer to go up for promotion in their original sixth year in rank, they would be considered accelerated since their probationary period had already been extended to seven years. If the extension was not due to LWOP, they may choose to rescind it.

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titleUseful links

titleCOE: COVID probationary extension

titleEVPP: Probationary extensions

titleHOP 2-2010: Academic Titles and Tenure

titleHOP 2-2020: Probationary Period Extension

titleHOP 2-2210: Faculty Leaves