Processing Plan
Each collection should have its own processing plan. While there may be some unique elements to every plan, the following items should remain the same:
AIP convention:
One piece of media will correspond to one AIP. Disk images, captured metadata, photographs, and (if applicable) readme files will all be produced for each item.
Naming convention:
Each group of media in the collection, by format, will be assigned a numerical code for naming convention purposes. These will be:
01 – 3.5 inch floppy disks
02 – Optical media
03 – Zip disks
04 - 5.25 inch floppy disks
Directory structure:
Base convention for directories/naming:
AAAaccessionNumber_mediaGroupNumber_mediaNumber (folder)
AAAaccessionNumber_mediaGroupNumber_mediaNumber_diskimage (folder)
AAAaccessionNumber_mediaGroupNumber_mediaNumber_media_photographs (folder)
AAAaccessionNumber_mediaGroupNumber_mediaNumber_readme (optional – text file)
2017009_01_001 (folder)
2017009_01_001_diskimage (folder)
2017009_01_001_diskimage.E01 (the disk image file)
2017009_01_001_diskimage.log (the log of the disk image process)
2017009_01_001_media_photographs (folder)
2017009_01_001_01.jpg (digital photograph of the physical media)
2017009_01_001_02.jpg (if necessary - second digital photograph of the physical media)
2017009_01_001_readme (optional text file)
Processing Workflow at a Glance
Preparation and Documentation