Every Cockrell School of Engineering student has access to 4 GB of storage for personal use . It has exclusive permission which is configured for you alone. Your home directory is available remotely by path, mapping the drive, SFTP (Secure FTP) and Webdav. Your "home directory" is located on a network drive with the following path:
- If you are ON-CAMPUS using a non-Austin domain computer, you will need to connect to VPN (see Connecting with VPN)
- If you are OFF-CAMPUS, connect with VPN (see Connecting with VPN)
- In a file explorer window, enter the UNC path of your folder, \\austin.utexas.edu\disk\engrstu\yourDept\yourEID
- A window will popup asking for your username and password. Use your UT-EID and password. Prepend your EID with "austin.utexas.edu\". For example, austin.utexas.edu\xyz123
- Note: You can also create this as a shortcut on your desktop (right-click on the desktop, New->Shortcut).
- If you are ON-CAMPUS on a NON-Austin domain computer you will need to connect to VPN (see Connecting with VPN)
- If you are OFF-CAMPUS, connect with VPN (see Connecting with VPN)
- Open a file explorer window to "Computer"
- Select Map network drive from the ribbon.
- In the box labeled "Folder," enter: \\austin.utexas.edu\disk\engrstu\<yourDept>\<yourEID>
- For example, \\austin.utexas.edu\engrstu\CAEE\abc1234
- Select the checkbox: Connect using different credentials
- You will be asked for a username and password.
- Username: austin.utexas.edu\yourEID
- Password: <Enter your EID password.>
- If you are OFF-CAMPUS, connect with VPN (see Connecting with VPN)
- Use an SSH client like, Filezilla.
- Hostname: sftp.austin.utexas.edu.
- User name: your UT EID.
- Port number: 22.
- Authentication Method: password.
- For username and password, use your UT EID
- Once you have connected browse to "DepartmentalDirectories/engrstu/yourDept" (Do NOT go to the top-level folder named with your EID).