The updates and goals for the workday should be specific and quantifiable. If I were to ask if the goal were accomplished, there should be a definitive answer. Thanks!
Name: Devin & Dylan
Updates: Research on battery/battery characterization board. Completed initial redesign of Contactor Driver
Goals for workday: Update Contactor Driver to include ability to drive 2 contactors and 3 fans from separate controls signals, find chips for the characterization board and make initial kicad/github project
Name: 刘昶旭 & 安枝 航
Updates: looked at chips to find one that is yummy
Goals for workday: finish writing this thing, pick a yummy efuse chip and pUt iT iN a dOcUmeNt, start drawing pretty pictures, the entire pretty picture
Name: Carolyn
Updates: Continuing notes and research on the LTC4412
Goals for workday: Draft timeline for power board, draft requirements and design considerations doc, work with Frank on power board design (schematic), ideally wrap up the HV notes and upload on Confluence (still WIP)