First bring in your .aaf from AVID or .XML from Premiere >Import>Timeline | |
Navigate to your .aaf and or .xml | |
Use the default settings usually works fine | |
Once the timeline is loaded in and all media is linked to the timeline and double check that all is correct Then choose >File>Media Management | |
To copy a trimmed version of the original media used in the project select the following options : TIMELINES - COPY - TRIM KEEPING (24 frames for example) Choose - RELINK TO NEW FILES). | |
Browse to where you want to save the new consolidated media and the .drt That stands for Davinci Resolve Timeline | |
Locate where you want to save and choose Open | |
You will get a comparison of the current project size and the new size of the project after consolidating Click Start to begin | |
Progress bar will open and give some progress info | |
the final export will look like this with the .drt file | |
You can double click the .drt to open the new timeline in resolve | |
Choose Don't Change or change it doesn't seem to make any difference. | |
Or to make ProRes files of all the media > choose >Timelines>Transcode Choose Video > QuickTime > Apple ProRes > Apple ProRes 422 or 4444 Render at Source Resolution Retain Sub-Black and Super-White Data >Start |
Content Comparison