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eXpress build instructions on TACC Ranger


(in the bash shell)

author's installation instructions:

A few of these commands, like "export" are bash specific commands.  Rather than make this installation guide a shell independent novel, I'll ask users to either translate those commands to your shell of choice or switch to bash (by typing bash at the command line) before proceeding.

On Ranger and Lonestar, we don't need to install cmake or boost, already have that as a module

Setup environment


Code Block

module swap $TACC_FAMILY_COMPILER gcc
module load cmake
module load boost
Download source for eXpress and BamTools


(both links are availabe in the




author's installation instructions" link above)
Code Block







tar zxvf express


cd ./express*/

# Remember where eXpress unpacked itself
export MY_EXPRESS_DIR=`pwd`

# Download BamTools from github
wget --no-check-certificate



# extract BamTools into $MY_EXPRESS_DIR
tar zxvf bamtools*.tar.gz

# strip off the version number from the bamtools directory
mv ./bamtools*/ ./bamtools/
cd ./bamtools
export MY_BAMTOOLS_DIR=`pwd`
Build bamtools
Code Block

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
Start building eXpress
Code Block

mkdir build
cd build

cmake doesn't do a good job of building the file "$EXPRESS_DIR/src/build/CMakeFile/express.dir/link.txt" it ignores the links needed for BamTools and Boost, but we can fix that! echo "/opt/apps/gcc_amd/4.4.5/bin/c++ -I/opt/apps/gcc4_4/boost/1.48.0/include

This little script is not the prettiest way to do this, but it works as a "cut and paste" way to add what is missing while reusing what we can to make this work on both Ranger and Lonestar.  There's probably a better way to do this within cmake.

Code Block

cp ./CMakeFiles/express.dir/


link.txt ./CMakeFiles/express.dir/


cat ./CMakeFiles/express.dir/










Setup environment










Download source for eXpress and BamTools, both links are availabe in the above "intall" link










Download BamTools from github











extract BamTools into $EXPRESS_DIR then install










Build and Install eXpress












cmake doesn't do a good job of building the file "$EXPRESS_DIR/src/build/CMakeFile/express.dir/link.txt" it ignores the links needed for BamTools and Boost, but we can fix that!






link.txt.original|sed -r "s/\s+/\n/g"|awk -v TACC_BOOST_INC=$TACC_BOOST_INC -v TACC_BOOST_LIB=$TACC_BOOST_LIB -v MY_BAMTOOLS_DIR=$MY_BAMTOOLS_DIR 'NR==1{print $0;printf "-I%s\n",TACC_BOOST_INC};NR>1{print};/rdynamic/{exit};END{printf "-Wl,-rpath,%s/lib -L%s/lib -lbamtools %s/lib/libbamtools.a -L%s -lboost_filesystem -lboost_thread -lboost_system -lboost_program_options -lpthread\n",MY_BAMTOOLS_DIR,MY_BAMTOOLS_DIR,MY_BAMTOOLS_DIR,TACC_BOOST_LIB;}' | tr '\n' ' ' | xargs echo > ./CMakeFiles/express.dir/link.txt

Finish installing eXpress
Code Block



make install

This should put a binary executable called "express" in your $MY_EXPRESS_DIR/bin directory.