Wiki Markup |
*Define GPCs for CCYYS :* *UEDIT LIB=03 Name=STTDFA\[YY\]/STTDSP\[YY\] |
Wiki Markup Create new dataset in UEDIT Lib o3 named STTDFAYY (YY=current year). STTD{_}SP{_}\[YY\] if Spring.
- For next cycle's calculations: Insert current year's GPC dataset as the basis for your new dataset: On the command line of your newly created dataset, type: 'INCLUDE (STTDFA{YY-1})'. Or STTDSP{YY-1} if Spring. Example: if calculating Fall18 –Spring 19, base calcs on current fall (fall 2017). Use fall 17 DS (STTDFA17) as base data for Fall 17 calcs For enforcement: use GPC dataset for semester you are scheduling (may have to create this). Insert most recent last semester's GPC dataset as the basis for your new dataset: On the command line of your newly created dataset, type: 'INCLUDE (STTDFA{YY-1})'. Or STTDSP{YY-1} if Spring. Example: if enforcing Spring 2018, create Spring 2018 DS and 'INCLUDE (STTDFA17)' as base data for Spring 2018
- Remove the first blank line by typing '#d' or '.d' on the first blank line then hitting 'Enter.' (Allocation batch job NRNW308A will ABEND when it runs if you leave any blank lines.)
- Review & Update dataset to match the GPC List for the semester. Add any new GPCs and remove any that were not scheduled for classes. Include any partial control GPCs.
- SAVE the dataset.
Wiki Markup |
Leave TL note: 'Home dept over allocation @TL\[#\]' (include XLd sections) |
Wiki Markup Leave a log note: 'CSP \[XL Home\] Dept GPC requests exceed allocation for this TL.'
- Do all of the above for TL2/3 'with' CSNs
- Leave scheduling and timeline comment (Including XLd and TL2/3 'with' sections)
Wiki Markup Scheduling comment: Home dept over allocation @TL\[#\]. Search for and request a GPC during Chair Proof.'
Wiki Markup Timeline comment: Over Allocation @TL\[#\]
Anchor | ||||
- After all GPCs have been assigned and all changes made, BEFORE wiping out TL notes, pre-CP distributed, pull All-Sections.
- Create a Combined TLs All Sections spreadsheet from the All-Sections.
- Save as 'CCYYS Chair Proof Distributed GPCs Assigned' report.
- Filter for 'GPC' = 'X'.
- Filter for bldg/room=non-blank.
- Filter out sections scheduled in GPC departmental control time (partial control TLs)
- Save as 'CCYYS Chair Proof Distributed GPCs Assigned' report. Double-check for accuracy
- Unfilter and refilter the original spreadsheet.
- Save as 'CCYYS Chair Proof Distributed No GPC Assigned' report
- Filter for TL notes with 'allocation' and 'DNS'/'no GPC assigned'-type notes. Be sure to include all XLd sections, not just 'Home' sections.
- All sections should have TLs in the '<blank>/ <blank>' bldg/room. If not, stop and check for GPC switch. Update to blank bldg./room, if applicable. Do not leave GPC bldg./blank in the timeline, and none should be 'GPC'='X'.
- Change TL 'NOTES' column label to 'REASON NO GPC ASSIGNED'
Wiki Markup Change hodge-podge of notes to consistent messaging by reason \[Over Allocation/No GPC\]:
- Over Allocation
Wiki Markup Over Allocation (Home Dept XL)-\[find these by filtering for SA XLs\]
- No GPC request per TL
- No GPC orphaned XL (home cancelled)
- No GPC short course
- No GPC off campus
- No GPC CL/AE=0
- No GPC requested dept control time
- No GPC available @non-std TL & large size
- Save as 'CCYYS Chair Proof Distributed No GPC Assigned' report. Double-check for Accuracy.
- Publish the 2 reports to Canvas when ready.