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titleFAQs Table of Contents
Table of Contents





Q: How can we make benefits/policy implementation more fair/standardized? (ex: SEB usage, telecommuting)


  • If an employee has PayFlex and a letter of medical necessity, they can request reimbursement through PayFlex for the membership to RecSports. This cannot be used for pre-payment and reimbursement is not guaranteed. This does not apply to other gyms. More info: http 
  • UT Select BCBSTX offers a Member Discount Program; however, the number of gyms in the program are limited to some locations of Anytime and Curves and a few others. They sometimes have special offers that include things like waiving the enrollment fee, etc. More info:
  • Through LifeMart, our employee discount program, there are also other gym discounts available. More info: http 

Q: Faculty can enter the Blanton and bring a guest for free. Can staff?

A: Yes, as of September 2014, the Blanton has a new benefit for staff – free admission for you and a guest when you show your UT ID. Go to to learn more about the museum. 


A: HRS's HealthPoint EAP provides consultation for employees about proposing and evaluating flexible work arrangements. Call 512-471-3366 if you would like to meet with a counselor about how to propose a flexible work arrangement to your supervisor or manager. See Tips for Employees: Building your case for a Flexible Work Arrangement – FAQ (PDF) for tips on bringing this up to your manager. Give  Give the Flexible Work Arrangement form [(PDF] ) to your manager to make a request. See http for more info.

Q: Does UT offer adequate child care for staff?


For more information about eligibility, rates & how to apply, please visit http

Q: Can I donate my excess sick time to a specific person?


A: This is something a UTSC committee could look into, particularly staff demand vs. revenue needs of services/venues. They would have to find solutions to meet the needs of both sides.


Professional Development

Q: I'm interested in professional development. What are my options?

A: There are several options available to you at no charge:


Q: Can staff use the Staff Education Benefit (SEB) for family members?

A:  No. The SEB only for active university employees that are appointed full-time (40 hours a week). The SEB isn't available to faculty or to students employed in positions that require student status as a condition of employment. However, If you're in a regular position that doesn't continue for 12 months you may be eligible on an exception basis (e.g. elementary teacher, University Health Services). If you're in such a position you can contact the Human Resource Service Center at 471-HRSC (4772) to request an exception.  For more information about SEB, go to

Q: Can staff use SEB for other courses – extension courses, PDC, etc.?

A: No. Staff Educational Benefit Doesn't Cover:

  • Courses through the Division of Continuing Education (including Extension Credit Courses)
  • Courses through Executive Education
  • Courses offered through Option III programs
  • Online courses
  • Courses at any other college or university

Q: Can I use the SEB for dissertation hours?

A: SEB cannot be used for dissertation courses with numbers ending in 99

Q: How do we address lack of computer skills with staff?*

A: UT Compliance is working on a computer literacy course, open to all staff. Talk to Jaime Davis ( for more info.


Shared Services

Q: Where can I find more information about Shared Services?

A: The best place for the most up-to-date information on Shared Services is at

  • You can also sign up for updates via email at
  • Per CFO Darrel Bazzell’s email on 8/17/2016, ATS is continuing as-is, while CBO is being phased out beginning this month. CBO members will be moved into business units where possible. Up to 30 positions may be phased out.


Staff Issues

Q: Who are my HR Reps (at department level in particular)?

A: You can find this via the HR website:

Q: How do I get management to listen?

A: There are classes on communication and conflict resolution via UTLearn, Center for Professional Education, and This is also something a committee could look into: guest speakers on modern management practices.

Q: How to navigate complaints/issues/compliance reporting? What resources are available?

A: See the following:

If you are concerned with the immediate safety of yourself or others, please dial 911.

Compliance and Ethics:

Behavior Concerns Advice Line (BCAL): (512) 232-5050
Environmental Health & Safety: (512) 471-3511
Fraud Hotline: (512) 471-7117
University Police (UTPD): (512) 471-4441
State Auditor’s Hotline: 1-800-TX-AUDIT (1-800-892-8348)

SME directory

  1. Designated Officials for UT Austin:
  2. Other University Officials:

Grievance process

Dispute Resolution Office -

Staff Ombuds -

UTSC Issues Process -


UT Austin

Q: What’s going on around campus?

A: See for current events and for the daily crime watch.

Q: What relationship does UT Austin have with other UT campuses?*

A: Ad-hoc, depending on the department.

Q: What is leadership’s take on culture/what’s their vision?

A: UTSC Officers will be discussing this with President Fenves soon.

Q: What are systemic/cross-campus issues?

A: Per the Campus Employee Engagement Surveys, the biggest ones are:

Staff Educational Benefit (SEB)

Q: Can staff use the Staff Educational Benefit (SEB) for family members?

A:  No. The Staff Educational Benefit (SEB) is for active university employees that are appointed full-time (40 hours a week). The SEB isn't available to faculty or to students employed in positions that require student status as a condition of employment. However, If you're in a regular position that doesn't continue for 12 months you may be eligible on an exception basis (e.g. elementary teacher, University Health Services). If you're in such a position you can contact the Human Resource Service Center at 471-HRSC (4772) to request an exception.

Q: Can staff use SEB for other courses – extension courses, PDC, etc.?

A: No. Staff Educational Benefit does not cover:

  • Dissertation courses with numbers ending in 99
  • Courses through the Division of Continuing Education (including Extension Credit Courses)
  • Courses through Executive Education
  • Courses offered through Option III programs
  • Your admissions application fee. (You must pay the application fee when you apply for admission. Fee waivers are available in certain circumstances. If an employee applies for admission and is not accepted, the fee will be refunded. For information call the Office of Admissions at 512-475-7325.)
  • Online courses
  • Optional fees such as Longhorn Sports and Cactus yearbook
  • Auditing courses
  • Reimbursement for previous semester's courses
  • Courses at any other college or university
  • Student services, such as the Counseling and Mental Health Center and University Health Services, excluding the Forty Acres Pharmacy
  • Costs associated with required vaccines for entering students are not covered by the SEB.  Please see Required Vaccinations for more information.
  • Recreational Sports membership - You must purchase a RecSports membership to access classes that meet at a RecSports facility (Gregory Gym and Aquatic Complex, Caven Lacrosse and Sports Center at Clark Field, Whitaker Fields and Tennis Complex and the Recreational Sports Center).

Q: What statute allows us to provide the SEB?

A: The State Employees Training Act in the Texas Government Code allows the university to provide a benefit such as the Staff Educational Benefit. Subsections C and D specifically talk about the requirements and restrictions of the benefit.

Q: Does the course have to be related to my job?

A: As of February 2019, the coursework does not have to be related to your job, but that will change soon. The State Employees Training Act section 656.044 specifically says "The training or education must be related to the duties or prospective duties of the administrator or employee." HR is currently working on creating an HOP that will address some of the discrepancies between the way we administer the program and the way the State says it must be administered.

Professional Development

Q: I'm interested in professional development. What are my options?

A: There are several options available to you at no charge:

Q: How do we address lack of computer skills with staff?*

A: UT Compliance is working on a computer literacy course, open to all staff. Talk to Jaime Davis ( for more info.

Shared Services

Q: Where can I find more information about Shared Services?

A: The best place for the most up-to-date information on Shared Services is at

  • You can also sign up for updates via email at
  • Per CFO Darrel Bazzell’s email on 8/17/2016, ATS is continuing as-is, while CBO is being phased out beginning this month. CBO members will be moved into business units where possible. Up to 30 positions may be phased out.

Staff Issues

Q: Who are my HR Reps (at department level in particular)?

A: You can find this via the HR website:

Q: How do I get management to listen?

A: There are classes on communication and conflict resolution via UTLearn, Center for Professional Education, and This is also something a committee could look into: guest speakers on modern management practices.

Q: How to navigate complaints/issues/compliance reporting? What resources are available?

A: See the following:

If you are concerned with the immediate safety of yourself or others, please dial 911.

Compliance and Ethics:

Behavior Concerns Advice Line (BCAL): (512) 232-5050
Environmental Health & Safety: (512) 471-3511
Fraud Hotline: (512) 471-7117
University Police (UTPD): (512) 471-4441
State Auditor’s Hotline: 1-800-TX-AUDIT (1-800-892-8348)

SME directory

  1. Designated Officials for UT Austin:
  2. Other University Officials:

Grievance process

Dispute Resolution Office -

Staff Ombuds -

UTSC Issues Process -

UT Austin

Q: What’s going on around campus?

A: See for current events and for the daily crime watch.

Q: What relationship does UT Austin have with other UT campuses?*

A: Ad-hoc, depending on the department.

Q: What is leadership’s take on culture/what’s their vision?

A: UTSC Officers will be discussing this with President Fenves soon.

Q: What are systemic/cross-campus issues?

A: Per the Campus Employee Engagement Surveys, the biggest ones are:

  1. Pay & Benefits
  2. Internal Communication
  3. External Communication


  1. How to request specifics listed in policy (ie appropriate signage)
  2. Leeway at local level (office, department level)
  3. Boundaries and compliance
  4. How to answer common questions or get questions answered



Q: How


is the


A: From the website: Staff Council’s mission is to promote a positive, collaborative work environment via assessment, prioritization, and communication of staff needs. The purposes are many:

  1. To serve as a representative advisory council;
  2. To provide a vehicle for communication of interests, concerns, and issues that affect staff;
  3. To present recommendations to University leadership; 
  4. To provide nominations to University Standing Committees

Also see UTSC accomplishments and our orientation for new reps.

Q: What are realistic expectations for UTSC accomplishments?

A: Committees are expected to provide a report for President Fenves at the end of the term year.

Committee projects should have measurable impact and benefit campus as well as staff.

The more an accomplishment benefits campus rather than just staff, the more ambitious it can be.

Q: How do we measure success of UTSC and the projects?

A: We gauge success in a few ways:

  1. Metrics for specific projects
  2. Staff awareness of UTSC and its accomplishments
  3. Access to/influence on Campus leadership
  4. Continuing funding for projects from the President’s Office

Q: What is UTSC's scope of influence?

A: Issues that affect staff in more than one department or geographic area of campus. For more info, see UTSC Bylaws:

Q: How to get managers to support UTSC time?

A: Your manager must support at least 4 hours per month, per our Bylaws, HR, and the President’s Office. Beyond that, it will be up to your manager. Showing them UTSC accomplishments ( may help, as these accomplishments have benefited all staff and oftentimes all of campus.

Q: What do we do when we get elected? What is the welcome/onboarding process?

A: The UTSC Resources Chair hosts two orientations after each UTSC election.

Q: What are things we can change without requiring leadership support/resources—“low hanging fruit”

A: UTSC reps can raise their constituents’ awareness of available campus resources for handling staff issuesstaff issues and professional development.

Q: Why is the UTSC general meeting structured the way it is?

A: Meetings are set up to give updates on UTSC business and issues important to staff.

Q: Who is allowed at UTSC general meetings and who can ask questions or raise issues?

A: Our meetings are open to the public. Anyone can ask questions or raise issues, be it in-person or via social media (Twitter, etc.). For more info, see UTSC Bylaws, section V.

Q: When are webcast videos uploaded?

A: They're immediately available; you can find them here.

Q: What are the Districts/where are they?


leadership of Staff Council organized and elected?

A: Each person on Staff Council is a Representative for their district. Some people are also elected or appointed to leadership positions. There are 4 "officer" positions that are elected each year: Chair, Vice Chair, Parliamentarian, and Secretary. There are 7 "standing committees", per our bylaws, which means there are 7 people who serve as chairs of those committees who are either appointed or elected by the membership of the committee. Each year there may be additional committees formed. If an issue can't fit into one of the standing committees, "annual committees" may be created and a chair appointed or elected by the membership of the committee. There may also be short-term committees formed ("Ad-Hoc committees"). They are usually disbanded after the issue has been handled.

Each Officer and each chair of the standing or annual committees sits on the Staff Council Executive Committee. The photo below shows the make-up of the Executive Committee in 2018-2019.

2018-2019 Executive Committee organizational chartImage Added

Q: How do I describe the mission of UTSC? What it is, how is helps, what it has done, and what it can do.

A: Staff Council’s mission is to promote a positive, collaborative work environment via assessment, prioritization, and communication of staff needs. We believe in a set of core values that help us, as your elected representatives, decide what projects to work on, how to communicate with stakeholders, and build and maintain trust within the community.


  • Serving staff by representing their best interests to the university community
  • Fostering a pathway of communication between upper administration and our constituents
  • Seeking diversity in membership, perspectives, and ideas when representing staff culture


  • Creating a sense of community by forging effective partnerships with campus stakeholders
  • Executing projects that are valuable to the organization


  • Maintaining honest and transparent communications and processes
  • Remaining accountable to ourselves and to our constituents by holding open meetings and publicizing our decisions
  • Intentionally sharing unbiased information with our stakeholders

The purpose and goals of UTSC:

  1. Provide a forum to present interests, concerns, and issues affecting staff;
  2. Pose advisory recommendations to UT leaders as a representative advocate;
  3. Create a sense of community by forging effective partnerships with campus stakeholders, including selecting nominees for University standing committees;
  4. Maintain honest and transparent communications and processes.

Also see UTSC accomplishments and our orientation for new reps.

Q: What are realistic expectations for UTSC accomplishments?

A: Committees are expected to provide a report for President Fenves at the end of the term year.

Committee projects should have measurable impact and benefit campus as well as staff.

The more an accomplishment benefits campus rather than just staff, the more ambitious it can be.

Q: How do we measure success of UTSC and the projects?

A: We gauge success in a few ways:

  1. Metrics for specific projects
  2. Staff awareness of UTSC and its accomplishments
  3. Access to/influence on Campus leadership
  4. Continuing funding for projects from the President’s Office

Q: What is UTSC relationship with UT Leadership?

A: The UTSC Officers (Chair, Vice Chair, Parliamentarian, and Secretary) meet with the President, CFO, and AVP of HR monthly. The Officers also meet with other upper-level administration as needed. The better UTSC serves the interests of campus, the better those relationships get.

Q: How to get managers to support UTSC time?

A: Your manager must support at least 4 hours per month, per our Bylaws, HR, and the President’s Office. Beyond that, it will be up to your manager. Showing them UTSC accomplishments ( may help, as these accomplishments have benefited all staff and oftentimes all of campus.

Q: What do we do when we get elected? What is the welcome/onboarding process?

A: The UTSC Resources Chair hosts two orientations after each UTSC election.

Q: What are things we can change without requiring leadership support/resources—“low hanging fruit”

A: UTSC reps can raise their constituents’ awareness of available campus resources for handling staff issues and professional development.

Q: Why is the UTSC general meeting structured the way it is?

A: Meetings are set up to give updates on UTSC business and issues important to staff. The structure of the meeting is also part of our UTSC Bylaws.

Q: Who is allowed at UTSC general meetings and who can ask questions or raise issues?

A: Our meetings are open to the public. Anyone can ask questions or raise issues, be it in-person or via social media (Twitter, etc.). For more info, see UTSC Bylaws, section V.

Q: When are webcast videos uploaded?

A: They're immediately available; you can find them on our website.

Q: What are the Districts/where are they?

A: Districts are a semi-arbitrary division of the UT campus. When districts were originally drawn, they were based on a combination of campus/building location, department functions, and funding source. As departments and groups have reorganized, the districts have gotten "messier" and similar groups have gotten separated from each other. Some groups have moved off-campus or to different buildings.

Some districts are small and contain fewer than 100 people, while other districts are large and contain over 400 people. In general, there is one Representative per ~100 people in a district.

There is a redistricting effort currently in place to regroup departments. (To see which districts are under each Representative, go to the List of Current Representatives page, then in the "Departments in District" column, click on "View.")

Q: Redistricting:  What is it, how do we get involved?

A: This is a work-in-progress being spearheaded by Jeannie Farahnak, former UTSC Vice Chair. Jeannie has been working with the IT folks to get districts better aligned, but the project has been delayed because of the Workday implementation. Once Workday is launched, we will have new districts.

Q: Can we broaden who can serve on UTSC:   student employees, temp staff, faculty?*

A: See Our UTSC Bylaws, section II.b for info on UTSC’s constituency.B show who are constituents are. Our purpose is to serve the staff of UT Austin, as other groups often have their own governance and their own specific needs. For example, students are governed by the Student Government group and faculty are governed by the Faculty Council. UTSC meetings are open to the public; improvements in UTSC communication and outreach should help address this concernto the public and anyone who attends could be recognized by the Chair to speak their concerns.

Q: How do we get the word out in general?


  1. The How to Succeed as a Rep handout.
  2. Regroup email system:
  3. Regroup documentation: https://wikisutexas.utexasatlassian.edunet/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=11233071771696411
  4. Also flyers, posters, talking to constituents, and/or hosting a brown bag lunch to talk about issues.


A: That is something a committee could look into. The main problem to solve is tools and procedures for reps to use to effectively reach constituents in these groups. Note that per UTSC Bylaws, section II.bB, temp employees are not UTSC constituents, but they can attend general meetings to be heard.


A: Based on current events and constituent interest. The more your constituents tell us what they want to hear about, the better we can serve them.

Q: Redistricting:  What is it, how do we get involved?

A: This has been largely taken care of recently by Jeannie Farahnak, former UTSC Vice Chair.

Q: UTSC budget—how is it allocated/funded?

A: UTSC gets budget from HR for running UTSC itself (badges, annual retreat, etc.). UTSC recently got a budget from the President’s office for funding yearly projects, such as the Professional Development Grant.

Q: Why does UTSC use Regroup instead of UTLists?

A: We don’t use UTLists because Regroup is set up to limit they want to hear about, the better we can serve them. Generally speaking, the Executive Committee tries to choose speakers who are of interest to the staff as a whole. They try to avoid bringing in speakers whose message can easily be sent in an email or posted on our website.

Q: UTSC budget—how is it allocated/funded?

A: UTSC gets budget from HR for running UTSC itself (badges, annual retreat, etc.) and from the President’s office for funding yearly projects, such as the Professional Development Grant. The Staff Council Executive Committee decides how to spend this money each year. Approximately half of our budget is used for the professional development grant.

Q: Why does UTSC use Regroup instead of UTLists?

A: UTLists is an opt-in email system that must be maintained manually. Anyone who is part of that group can send messages to the group and could cause an increase in spam or inappropriate emails sent to campus.

Regroup is an opt-out email system that is tied to our HR system and is updated each week as employees move around the university. As new employees start, employees leave, or employees change departments, this list is updated automatically. Regroup also limits who can send messages, reducing spam or other unauthorized use. Also, UTLists is opt-in while Regroup is opt-out.

Q: What is UTSC relationship with UT Leadership?

A: The UTSC Chair speaks with Directors and the President’s Office monthly. The better UTSC serves the interests of campus, the better those relationships get.