Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


You can't run a web browser directly from your "dumb terminal" command line environment. The FastQC results have to be placed where a web browser can access them. One way to do this is to copy the results back to your laptop, for example by using scp from your computer (read more at Copying files from TACC to your laptop).

For convenience, we put an example FastQC report at this URL: 



The Per base sequence quality report does not look good. The data should probably be trimmed (to 40 or 50 bp) before alignment.

Newer versions of FastQC have slightly different report formats. See this example:

Using MultiQC to consolidate multiple QC reports


titleMake sure you're in a idev session

Make sure you're in an idev session. If you're in an idev session, the hostname command will display a name like But if you're on a login node the hostname will be something like

If you're on a login node, start an idev session like this:

Code Block
titleStart an idev session
idev -m 120 -N 1 -A OTH21164 -r CoreNGSday3  # or -A TRA23004
# or
idev -m 120 -N 1 -A OTH21164 -p development  # or -A TRA23004

Code Block
# Load the main BioContainers module if you have not already
module load biocontainers  # may take a while

# Load the multiqc module and ask for its usage information
module load multiqc
multiqc --help | more


  • The -l 50 option says that base 50 should be the last base (i.e., trim down to 50 bases)
  • The -Q 33 option specifies how base Qualities on the 4th line of each FASTQ entry are encoded.
    • The FASTX Toolkit is an older program written in the time when Illumina base qualities were encoded differently, so its default does not work for modern FASTQ files.
      • These days Illumina base qualities follow the Sanger FASTQ standard (Phred score + 33 to make
      an ASCII character)
      • an ASCII character).
    • This option is not really required here because we're just hard trimming, so the program doesn't have to interpret the quality scores. But the -Q 33 option would be required if you were trimming according to base qualities.
    • Note that the fastq_trimmer help does not document this -Q option! But they do talk about it on their website.

Exercise: compressing fastx_trimmer output



Code Block
echo $(( `zcat | wc -l` / 4 ))
# or
zcat | wc -l | awk '{print $1 / 4}'

Read more about Arithemetic in bash and more about awk in Some Linux commands: awk


Looking at the FASTQ file names, we see this is two lanes of single-end reads (L004 and L005).

The data from lane 4 has 2,001,337 reads, the data from lane 5 has 2,022,237 reads.



These are 101-base reads.

wc -c counts the "invisible" newline character, so subtract 1 from the character count it returns for a line.

Here's a way to strip the trailing newline characters from the quality scores string before calling wc -c to count the characters. We use the echo -n option that tells echo not to include the trailing newline in its output. We generate that text using sub-shell evaluation (an alternative to backtick evaluation) of that zcat ... command:

Code Block
echo -n $( zcat | head -2 | tail -1 ) | wc -c


Now execute cutadapt like this:. Note that the backslash ( \ ) here is just a line continuation character so that we can split a long command onto multiple lines to make it more readable.

titleSetup (if needed)

Code Block
titleSetup for cutadapt on miRNA FASTQ
export CORENGS=/work/projects/BioITeam/projects/courses/Core_NGS_Tools
mkdir -p $SCRATCH/core_ngs/fastq_prep
cd $SCRATCH/core_ngs/fastq_prep
cp $CORENGS/human_stuff/miRNA_test.fq .


Now we're going to run cutadapt on the larger FASTQ files, and also perform paired-end adapter trimming on some yeast paired-end RNA-seq data.

Since batch jobs can't be submitted from an idev session, make sure you are back on a login node (just exit the idev session).

First stage the 4 FASTQ files we will work on:


Next create a batch submission script for your job and submit it to the normal queue with a maximum run time of 2 hours.Since batch jobs can't be submitted from an idev session, make sure you are back on a login node (just exit the idev session)1 hour.

Code Block
titleCreate and submit cutadapt batch script
cd $SCRATCH/core_ngs/cutadapt -j cuta.cmds -n cuta -t 01:00:00 -a OTH21164 -q normal 
sbatch --reservation=CoreNGS cuta.slurm
showq -u

# or, if you're not on the reservation: -j cuta.cmds -n cuta -t 01:00:00 -a OTH21164 -q development
sbatch cuta.slurm
showq -u
