Amy E. Miller, Chief Business Officer
April Hamilton, Administrative Projects Coordinator
Financial and Accounting: LBJAccounting@austin.utexas.edu
Human Resources: LBJHR@austin.utexas.edu
Tracy Tran, Financial Officer
Nhi Nguyen, Sr. Administrative Associate - AccountingLBJFellowships@austin.utexas.edu
Building: LBJFacilities@austin.utexas.edu
LBJ IT: AskLBJ@austin.utexas.edu
Human Resources:
Le Na Chung-Cantrell, HR DirectorManager
Gary Moberg, Sr. HR Coordinator (Faculty and Staff)
Fran Pena, HR Administrative Associate
Scholarship/Fellowship:Kathleen Gibson, Fellowship Specialist
Tomas Gomez III, Facilities Administrative Associate
LBJ IT Operations:
Caren Troutman