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First, we'll run breseq on a small data set to be sure that it is installed correctly, and to get a taste for what the output looks like. This sample is a mixed population of bacteriophage lambda that was co-evolved in lab with its E. coli hosts.


To set your profile up to run breseq, we need to add "module load bowtie/2.1.0" to your profile.

Code Block
titleAdding bowtie to your profile
cdh  #move to your home directory
echo "module load bowtie/2.1.0" >> .profile  #this command updates your profile to automatically load the bowtie module

After you've completed these commands, exit lonestar and re log in to re run your profile.  


The data files for this example are in the path:


Code Block
titlebreseq commands for prep and commands file
idev   #idev modulestarts load bowtie/2.1.0   #Breseq uses bowtiean "interactive development" mode which allows you to maprun reads,computationally so this module must be loaded before you run breseqintensive tasks
breseq -j 12 -r lambda.gbk lambda_mixed_population.fastq > log.txt


titleClick here for commands file example and generator
Code Block
titleExample commands file
breseq -j 12 -r NC_012967.1.gbk -o output_00K SRR030252_1.fastq SRR030252_2.fastq &> 00K.log.txt
breseq -j 12 -r NC_012967.1.gbk -o output_02K SRR030253_1.fastq SRR030253_2.fastq &> 02K.log.txt
breseq -j 12 -r NC_012967.1.gbk -o output_05K SRR030254_1.fastq SRR030254_2.fastq &> 05K.log.txt
breseq -j 12 -r NC_012967.1.gbk -o output_10K SRR030255_1.fastq SRR030255_2.fastq &> 10K.log.txt
breseq -j 12 -r NC_012967.1.gbk -o output_15K SRR030256_1.fastq SRR030256_2.fastq &> 15K.log.txt
breseq -j 12 -r NC_012967.1.gbk -o output_20K SRR030257_1.fastq SRR030257_2.fastq &> 20K.log.txt
breseq -j 12 -r NC_012967.1.gbk -o output_40K SRR030258_1.fastq SRR030258_2.fastq &> 40K.log.txt
Code Block -q normal -t 3:00:00 -n launcher -a "UT-2015-05-18" -m "module load bowtie/2.1.0"
qsub launcher.sge

This will likely sit for some time in the launcher que, making it a good opportunity to work through the interrogating launcher queue portion of our linux tutorial if you didn't get the opportunity to earlier.
