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Trial Workday Planning

Detail your plan for trial workday here, considering the following questions:

  • What materials do you need?

  • Are you planning to view Daybreak? If so, we need to coordinate with other systems and Electrical




1:00 - members show up at etc

1:30 - wait for members to show up to pickle, tbh it will very likely take too long and combustion may also go long

  • ice breaker and yap

1:45 - introductions

  • name, major, year, (fun fact/ice breaker)

1:55 - yap

  • jason talk first, will go more in depths as well

  • advait and aidan talk about composites/aerodynamics, go in depth about all the things we are gonna get to do this year

2:25 - composite!(need garage)

  • explain and begin composites section

  • do the composites thing

3:30 - aerodynamics back and forth(we could do a hallway, nowhere we can really display that on the wall)

  • aerodynamics comparison

3:45 - solar car design(an area where we could write with tables could be good)

  • x amount of time to AI generate and draw a car

  • half points from AI, half points from drawing

  • whoever has coolest of both of end of time wins!

4:15 - show them the car and they ask question(need to have the car)

  • tell them a more in depth process of how we made the car

  • mention fiberglass molds, can bring them to the graveyard if need be

4:45 - speed dating(we can do this in hallway)

  • ask stupid silly questions and get though


Current Members

  • Advait

  • Aidan

  • Jason

  • Medha

  • Matthew

  • Abishek

  • Nico


  • Gloves

  • Masks

  • Whiteboards

  • Carbon Fiber 3”x3” pieces, 0 & 45

  • Epoxy & hardener

  • Vaccum Bag(could use cling wrap instead)

  • Tacky Tape

  • Cups and equipment for mixing epoxy

  • paintbrushes

  • kevlar scissors(if we want them to cut stuff)

3 new members per vet

  • Let them figure out how to breakdown

  • vet can explain things but touch anything they die

Aerodynamics Slides:

  • Show them 2 objects and go to the side of the room that has the object you think is more aerodynamic

  • if you get it wrong you’re out of the round

Solar Car Drawing/AI:

  • Put them in teams of 2 or 3

  • Give them 30 minutes and they have to AI generate a crazy solar car and draw it

  • half the points are from coolest AI generated, half from drawing

  • coolest wins a prize(a pipe bomb)

Speed Dating Questions:

  • If you were a kitchen utensil, what utensil would you be?

  • What habit do you have that you want to change?

  • What is one thing you wish you enjoyed more?

  • What is your favorite childhood meal?

  • Would you rather be 4’5” or 8’5”?

  • If you had to lose one of your 5 senses, which one would it be?

  • What would be the first thing you did if you won a million dollars?

  • What is a subject you want to understand better?

  • What is your favorite season and why?

  • What’s you favorite bathroom on campus?

  • kiss marry kill, sin cos and tan?

  • If you could instantly learn one language what would it be?

  • What's something you're really looking forward to this year?

  • What age do you think you'll live to?

  • If you could bring one extinct animal back to life, what would it be?

  • If you could choose your last meal, what would it be?


  • Jason

    • general overview of system

    • describe high level overviews of each system

    • goals

  • Advait

    • explain composites and what we’re gonna be doin this year

  • Aidan

    • explain aerodynamics and what we’re gonna be doin this year



1:00 - start going from ETC to Pickle

1:30 - get to pickle

1:45 - Ice breakers

2:00 - System breakdown / PDR

2:30 - Go to car, point out specific Ergo/Frame parts, ask how they would redesign it, what considerations they would have if they were to design it, etc.

3:30 - Group challenge: split into 2 groups, have a product topic, have them think of how they would design the product from scratch, how they would manufacture it, what its primary purpose (like are they prioritizing being light weight, being super strong, etc. etc.)

4:00- CAD challenge: different 2 groups, one with Kenta, one with Josh, recruits have to use them to design a brake pedal in CAD in 15 mins, then we sim the pedal with FEA, which ever one that has better results wins (they win nothing but satisfaction)

4:45 - final questions etc. etc.



1:00 - members show up a the ETC

1:30 - wait for members to show up to pickle, tbh it will very likely take too long and combustion may also go long

  • ice breaker and yap

1:45 - introduction & icebreaker

  • leads go first

  • name, major, year, (fun fact/ice breaker)

2:00 - Kayla’s Kahoot

  • Uses cars from the Car’s movie and asks questions on them about it

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2:15 - Show the car

  • Walk them to the car and

2:30 - Talk about dynamics (peardeck)

  • Harshit talks about general VD

    • The quick run down (what dynamics is and timeline)

    • About the team and competition

    • Ask them questions throughout to keep them engaged

  • Kayla talks about suspension

  • Evan talks about steering

  • Sami talks about unsprung

3:15 - Question time

  • All the subleads split off and the people can come ask them things

3:45 - Egg drop (you get 4 of the items from the bank of items) (brainstorm)

  • 4 groups of 4 and 1 group of 5

  • Pipe cleaners (max 10)

  • Straws (max 10)

  • Cotton balls (max 10)

  • Eggs (given 1)

  • Coffee filters (max 2)

  • Tape (max 6 inches)

  • Paper (max 1 sheet)

  • Rubber Bands (max 4)

  • String/Yarn (max 1 foot)

  • Balloon (max 1)

  • Plastic cups (max 1)

3:50 - Make the egg drop

4:05 - Do the egg drop

4:20 - Kayla’s Kahoot v2

4:40 - Just chill and talk until we leave


1:00 - members show up a the ETC

1:30 - wait for members to show up to pickle and start introductions

  • chill and yap while ppl trickle in

  • name, major, year, fun fact

2:00 - Split off into subsystems (rotation)

  • Overall system break down

  • Each team shows what they built - we have a lot of extra cooling parts and enclosure parts sitting at pickle. Show some of the CAD.

  • Enclosures - show battery box

  • Cooling - old iterations of intakes, funnels, etc

  • WH - Car layout, how everything connected

3:00 - Show car

  • Show all the parts we have on the car right now + everything we have to change

3:30 - Questions from car or subsystem specific stuff

3:45 - fun team building/design activity idk yet

  • probably hands on where they actually build smth

    • randomize teams, design and build

  • mini comp at the end

4:30 - yap until we leave (brawl stars 3v3s???)

Onboarding Strategy/Curriculum






Starter Projects



Teach Solidworks over the span of a few weeks, try to make a shell, then give people Daybreak parts to work on/other personal projects.

Work along Solidworks lectures, branch into let letting members make random things into Solidworks and running Solidworks competitions.

  • For CAD, personal projects to increase motivation

  • Solidworks competition - give everyone something to CAD and see who has the best

  • Jump into next car if can’t find other projects to do

  • Work on prototypes for latch and hinging mechanism


Mostly hands on learning, actually do composites work

1x2 foot molds that are similar to bottom shell, do the entire mold prep to layup process so members know what to do.

  • Hands on small scale work (described beside)



Trial by fire (with help as needed)

Dive straight into making a simple part following ASC and VR3 guidelines, experimenting and asking questions as you go along

  • Some sort of introductory slides on the systems and what we will utilize in each system

  • 2-3 weeks of designing a simple part start to finish, potentially 3d printing the parts at the end

  • Intro to basic solids, reinforced with FEA (e.g., beam in pure bending problem and compare results w/ FEA)

Developing best practices

  • 2D 3D sketches and weldments - using these to create a simple frame structure

  • simple FSAE structure to follow VR3

  • Ansys and FEA skills - simple cantilever beam problem and having them calculate stress/analyze results

  • Physical/empirical testing with popsicle sticks maybe?


Same as above



2 weeks of independent study throughout the week and discussions and applications on workdays.

  • Discussions with Jacob about content from classes like Solids

  • Look into Double wishbone vs Trailing arm


Same as above

  • Discussions with Jacob about content from classes like Solids

  • Look into 3-wheel steering vs 4-wheel Ackermann


Same as above

  • Discussions with Jacob about content from classes like Solids

  • Look into other teams unsprung components like hubs and uprights. The purpose of those and then generative design and Ansys



Since we work with every system on the car, we want to get them in front of the car, show them everything we do, how it works, shortcomings, etc.

CAD - Do a mini lecture showing all the features but have them try to design some simple parts but have them fix some issues, or at least attempt it. Go over these designs, talk about DFM.

TIW training on printers and laser cutting

  • List of stuff on the current car we work on + how it works and why we need it, how electrical stuff interfaces with mechanical stuff

  • All 3 subteams will need to learn SW

  • Enclosures - Composites, strength to weight ratios for different configurations of composites, major focus on DFM

  • At the beginning, sit them in front of the car so they can ask questions and learn about the components

  • designing new parts to circumvent certain issues we faced on last car

    • make sure they are designing for manufacturability

  • Start training on printers

Wire Harnessing

Same as above

  • List of stuff on the current car we work on + how it works and why we need it, how electrical stuff interfaces with mechanical stuff

  • All 3 subteams will need to learn SW

  • Wire Harnessing will probably have to be a lecture based at first for the new software since it is very proprietary and a bit hard to use. Next part will be hands on working with wires and quality control. Starter projects to solidify EPLAN versatility

Same as above


Same as above

  • List of stuff on the current car we work on + how it works and why we need it, how electrical stuff interfaces with mechanical stuff

  • All 3 subteams will need to learn SW

  • Cooling - basics of heat transfer + maybe look into people interested in learning ansys and getting them started, Starter projects (CAD)

Same as above