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  • Katie
  • Stephanie
  • Nancy
  • Mandy
  • Paloma
  • Michael
  • Shelly


  • Zoom recording (link


  • , includes chat


  • )


  • Updating TARO URLs on Wikidata
  • Documenting Wikidata projects


  • TARO URLs on Wikidata presentation/discussion - Katie, Stephanie
  • Discussion: Documenting Wikidata projects - projects googlesheet 
  • Topic planning for the fall semester


Wikidata and TARO URLsStephanie / Katie
Wikidata project documentationAll
File sharing/editingall
  • This has come out several times now. Should we start using Google Drive so members out of the UT community can also contribute / edit?
  • Discussion Box vs. Google, and decided to shift to Google
  • There is an old Google Drive called UT Metadata Group from an early iteration of this group that we are going to start using. Everyone on the call has been added (Melanie still needs to be added - pending preferred gmail account).Implications of New TARO – need to update links for finding aids that Architecture has contributed to external projects (e.g. wikidata)
  • Buildings of Texas (KPM)
    • Back in July, Josh Conrad presented on the work he's done with Buildings of Texas Collection
      •  Contribution to wikidata items pointing out to the collection
      • Josh created a wikidata item for the collection, so that the link to the FA was only in one page, vs. having it in many items (knowing that FAs URLs were going to change, they did not wanted to have an outdated FA link on many wikidata items)
      • Have not yet decided what they are going to do with the wikidata item for the Collection. Right now it is barebones, so still deciding if that is the right approach, and if so, what the collection application profile should be
  • Archives at for AAA (ST)
    • Alysha did a pilot project to explore the process of creating wikidata items for AAA collection creators
      • Goals: understand how the info on FAs map to Wikidata properties
      • Small sample of 20 creators
      • Exploring of core properties for the type of entities that AAA was going to create (architects and architect firms)
    • TARO old URLs will be redirecting to the new URL between October 27 to the end of 2022. Interested in addressing the update of the old URLs everywhere they have been used for reference
      • Use this opportunity to learn more about batch editing → Used quick statements guidance and SPARQL queries that other folks on the group had presented on earlier in the year.
      • Workflow:
        • SPARQL query to retrieve all items with the property "Archives at" =  AAA, and exported the data as a table
        • Openrefine to associate the new URLs to the wikidata items
        • Quick statements to update the data in wikidata
    • SUCCESS! but also...
  • Failure:
    • Using Wikidata query service to return results for all items that have "" as a reference URL 
    • Returning results from query that are needed to batch edit
    • Hoped that they would be able to return everything with a legacy AAA TARO URL no matter where in the graph the URL is, but that was not possible 
      • Goal – getting not just reference URLs added by them, but reference URLs added by others using the TARO AAA FAs
      • They found a sample query on wikidata query service documentation that they thought would address they needs, but even that sample was timing out. They were able to make it work by limiting the number of results
      • The have customized the query to the legacy TARO URL prefix, but couldn't make it work, even when limiting the results
  • What are people's thoughts on creating wikidata items for the collections?
    • Paloma – It depends how it fits within your workflows. One of the reason for institutions to create items in wikidata is to be able to assign Persistent identifiers with little overhead work. Is there any chance that TARO would eventually provide URIs for the finding aids eventually? Would the Wikidata URIs for the collections be used for anything else than reference on the wikidata items for the creators? Would you be creating wikidata items for all your collections, or just the ones you will use as reference of another wikidata statement?
    • Mandy – Exploring new workflows for vocabulary management for the DAMs project, and using wikidata for local authorities is being considered
Wikidata project documentationAll
  • projects googlesheet - discuss columns, data to add
    • column linking to larger documentation about the project
    • column with some keywords or brief goal of the project
  • Scope of the project tracking sheet?
    • Include an additional tab for benchmarking (projects that we like or have been useful to develop our own projects)
    • Include other wikidata projects happening in a local context (UT campus, Texas...)
      • Opportunity to reach out to other colleagues in campus. How?! 
      • Opportunity to reach out to colleagues in Texas — Reach out to TDL?
  • filenaming/sharing in Google drive (see below)
  • Next steps
    • Everybody adds their wikidata projects to the project tracking sheet
    • Everybody adds projects that have inspired them or found useful 
File sharing/editingall
Housekeeping and Topic planning for the fall spring semesterall
  • Top survey results:

    1. Assessing impact of Wikidata projects
      • Group still working on this
    2. Batch update methods
      • Architecture interested in this topic as they are investigating solutions to update FA URLS in wikidata due to migration of TARO FAs to new server (launching next week). Architecture will try topresent on this in October
    3. Charting linked data efforts to identify experts, collaborators, and common goals
      • Will start covering this topic while discussing how to best document ongoing wikidata projects on campus
  • For next meeting:

  • Architecture’s attempt at batch editing for new TARO URLS

  • Discuss how to organize the projects googlesheet (Michael - current fields are just suggestions)Moving dates from November and December dates a week before
  • Paloma will facilitate November
  • November will be continuation of the discussion about the projects tracking sheet
  • December will be about summarizing the year and looking at the Spring terms
  • Further discussion needs
    • Further discussion on identifying experts, collaborators, common goals - how do we do this? Do we use the Googlesheet or need a new doc for this?
    • What is level of interest or next steps for continuing the assessment discussion?

Action items

  •  Start thinking about how to organize the documentation of projects and metrics on the google sheet (all)
