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How many hours are required for a Minor or Certificate?


    • Some Minors are auto-approved while others will require prerequisite courses, a specific UT GPA and/or a separate departmental application & review.  
      • New students should wait until they have a UT GPA before applying to add a Minor.

    • Once you add a Minor, your estimated degree progress percentage will potentially decrease, which may affect the registration time for the next semester.  So, you should wait to add a Minor until after the 20th day of classes in fall or spring semesters.  You might be able to estimate degree progress by running a Degree Audit with the intended Minor.
    • Some Minors are only available to those beginning with a specific catalog year.  You'll see this listed under the "Begin Semester" column. If begin semester is:
      • Fall 2016, then students under the 2016-2018 or newer undergraduate catalogs are eligible.
      • Fall 2018, then students under the 2018-2020 or newer undergraduate catalogs are eligible.
      • Fall 2020, then students under the 2020-2022 or newer undergraduate catalogs are eligible.
      • Fall 2022, then students under the 2022-2024 or newer undergraduate catalogs are eligible.


After you receive a Secure Academic Note notifying you that you’re approved to add a Minor/Certificate, please list it on your Registration Advising Sheet.  If you already submitted your RAS, please let me know during your advising session.  

If it's not currently time for registration advising, you may ask Mark-Anthony to complete the process.  Please include your EID in your email.


If the minor/certificate is attached to your Theatre and Dance degree profile, contact Mark-Anthony to help you with this request.  Please include the name of the minor/certificate & your EID in your email.  


Yes, at least nine of the hours required for the Minor must include coursework not used to satisfy the requirements of the student’s major.  However, courses in the Minor may fulfill other degree requirements such as general education requirements or required elective hours.

At least one Certificate course must be outside the requirements of the major.  However, Certificate courses outside the major may be counted toward other degree requirements.

May I take FA 371 for the Arts Management & Administration Minor?


Yes, students under the 2020-2022 Undergraduate Catalog have slightly different requirements that allows for more flexibility.  

2018-20202020-2022 or newer
F A 340 Fine Arts Internship
F A 362 Foundations of Arts Management
ACC 310F Foundations of AccountingThree of the following courses, of which at least one must be F A:
F A 363, 364, 365, 366, 367, 368, 369, 370, or 371; ACC 310F, MAN 320F or 336; MKT 320F or 337; FIN 320F or 357; LEB 320F or 323; I B 320F or 350
Three hours chosen from F A 363, 364, 365, 366, 367, 368, 369, 370, or 371
Three hours chosen from MAN 320F or 336; MKT 320F or 337; FIN 320F or 357; LEB 320F or 323; I B 320F or 350