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Students are given access to their Program of Work in UTBox, and it is the student’s responsibility to keep it updated each semester. Do not keep multiple versions or copies of your program of work in the UT Box folder. Your Program of Work document will be used for advising, applying for candidacy, and for approval before the final oral exam. The Graduate School requires EDP GSC Chair approval of your Program of Work before your application for candidacy is finalized. Your Area Chair will verify degree completion via your Program of Work in the semester you are holding your final oral. The GSC Chair will use that verification as the basis of signing your Report of Dissertation Committee Form (aka "Gold form") after your final oral.  

Note:  Coursework older than 6 years at the time of the application for candidacy must go through a waiver process to be approved for use. If the coursework is approved, file a copy of the approved form in your UTBox Program of Work folder so the GSC Chair can approve your application for candidacy.   Be careful what date you use for expected date of candidacy. Be  Be careful what date you use for your expected date of candidacy: if you take longer than the approved date, you must go through the process again. Taking a very long time to complete required coursework may be interpreted as not making satisfactory progress towards your degree, and non-candidate students with coursework 6 years or older will be reviewed by the GSC each year in September. The GSC members will decide what measures need to be taken, including coursework that must be repeated.  


After students apply for candidacy in the Graduate School system and are registered for dissertation hours, they may apply for a study room in the PCL (Perry-Castañeda Library). Occasionally, students may need to share a study room with another graduate student.


Committees must have at least four members. Three of those members, including the supervisor, must be GSC members (tenure-track faculty) in Educational Psychology. EDP requires at least one of your dissertation committee members be a Full or Associate Professor in Educational Psychology. The Department strongly recommends that at least two of your committee members be from your area of specialization, and that at least one committee member have expertise in your research methodology. Check with your proposed dissertation supervisor regarding any area of specialization requirements for dissertation committee membership. Important Note: Only one committee member (who is not a supervisor or co-supervisor) may be absent from the defense (see section on Final Oral for more information).

One committee member must be from outside the Department of Educational Psychology. If a student elects to have a non-UT scholar, or a UT non-GSC member (non-tenured or non-tenure-track faculty) serve on the committee, the student may be required to submit that member’s CV to the Graduate School before being approved for candidacy. A committee member with no UT-Austin affiliation  must be appropriately credentialed to serve on a dissertation committee (i.e., have a Ph.D., J.D., or M.D. degree). If the non-UT member is the only out-of-department committee member, a short statement regarding the members’ appropriateness, as well as the member’s CV, must be submitted to the Graduate Adviser for approval. If the only out-of-department member is a graduate of the Educational Psychology department, that member must have graduated at least 5 years prior to becoming a member of the committee.


If a committee member enters phased retirement or retirement, leaves the university, or is unable to continue serving on the committee, the student is responsible for replacing the committee member. The student must fill out, obtain signatures on, and submit the Petition Request for Change in Dissertation Committee Request Form immediately on notification that a committee member will need to be changed, and no later than 30 days prior to the Final Oral date, or the Final Oral may have to be rescheduled. Note: if your committee chair is entering phased retirement, they can continue to serve as a co-chair.


  1. Write summary and obtain approval from supervisor(s) and any committee members who want to approve before committing to membership.
  2. Update your Program of Work in your UTBox. 
  3. Complete the departmental form for Application for Candidacy.  
  4. Email completed Application to your committee members (be sure to copy the EDP Graduate Coordinator) and obtain approval from all committee members by return email (Graduate Coordinator does not need to be copied after initial email).
  5. After all members have approved, file online for candidacy with the Graduate School.
    • If you have co-supervisors, input your primary EDP co-supervisor first in the online system. Your primary EDP co-supervisor will be input as Supervisor and the secondary co-supervisor as Co-supervisor.
    • You will search for your committee members' names by inputting the last names only and then selecting the correct faculty persons. Non-EDP GSC members and non-UT members will be added in a separate section, and you will be directed to submit their CVs and no-expense statements (members who appear in the UT Directory do not have to submit a no-expense statement).
    • The Graduate School system does not make paragraph breaks so, if it is very important to you that everyone know where a new paragraph begins in your summary, put <> at the end or beginning of each paragraph. Don't worry about the formatting: everyone involved is used to the system. This system accommodates only 4500 characters, including spaces, and does not allow for anything other than plain text.


Once you are finished applying for candidacy, you can schedule your dissertation proposal meeting. (You do not have to wait for approval of your application for candidacy from the Graduate School to hold your proposal meeting.) Typically, this meeting takes two hours, so schedule additional time before and after so you can set up and give yourself some flexibility at the end.


Summer Session:        4th week after classes begin

You can check exact Graduate School deadlines for each semester.

Candidacy Process Flowchart
