Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3


Expand here to see example merge.sge and merge.script
Expand here to see example merge.sge and merge.script
Code Block
# Simple SGE script for submitting multiple serial
# jobs (e.g. parametric studies) using a script wrapper
# to launch the jobs.
# To use, build the launcher executable and your
# serial application(s) and place them in your WORKDIR
# directory.  Then, edit the CONTROL_FILE to specify

# each executable per process.
#         <------ Setup Parameters ------>
#$ -N merge
#$ -pe 4way 72
#$ -q normal
#$ -o merge.o$JOB_ID
#$ -l h_rt=1:00:00
#$ -V
#$ -cwd
#   <------ You MUST Specify a Project String ----->
#$ -A DNAdenovo
# Usage:
#	#$ -pe <parallel environment> <number of slots> 
#	#$ -l h_rt=hours:minutes:seconds to specify run time limit
# 	#$ -N <job name>
# 	#$ -q <queue name>
# 	#$ -o <job output file>
#	   NOTE: The env variable $JOB_ID contains the job id.

module load launcher
setenv EXECUTABLE     $TACC_LAUNCHER_DIR/init_launcher

setenv CONTROL_FILE   merge.script
setenv WORKDIR        .

# Variable description:
#  EXECUTABLE     = full path to the job launcher executable
#  CONTROL_FILE   = text input file which specifies
#                   executable for each process
#                   (should be located in WORKDIR)
#  WORKDIR        = location of working directory
#      <------ End Setup Parameters ------>

# Error Checking

if ( ! -e $WORKDIR ) then
        echo " "
	echo "Error: unable to change to working directory."
	echo "       $WORKDIR"
	echo " "
	echo "Job not submitted."

if ( ! -f $EXECUTABLE ) then
	echo " "
	echo "Error: unable to find launcher executable $EXECUTABLE."
	echo " "
	echo "Job not submitted."

if ( ! -f $WORKDIR/$CONTROL_FILE ) then
	echo " "
	echo "Error: unable to find input control file $CONTROL_FILE."
	echo " "
	echo "Job not submitted."

# Job Submission



echo " "
echo " Parameteric Job Complete"
echo " "
Code Block
samtools merge -f chr6.sorted.bam b.*/chr6.mapped.*.sorted.bam; samtools index chr6.sorted.bam
samtools merge -f chrX.sorted.bam b.*/chrX.mapped.*.sorted.bam; samtools index chrX.sorted.bam
samtools merge -f chr17.sorted.bam b.*/chr17.mapped.*.sorted.bam; samtools index chr17.sorted.bam
samtools merge -f chr21.sorted.bam b.*/chr21.mapped.*.sorted.bam; samtools index chr21.sorted.bam
samtools merge -f chr5.sorted.bam b.*/chr5.mapped.*.sorted.bam; samtools index chr5.sorted.bam
samtools merge -f chrY.sorted.bam b.*/chrY.mapped.*.sorted.bam; samtools index chrY.sorted.bam
samtools merge -f chr4.sorted.bam b.*/chr4.mapped.*.sorted.bam; samtools index chr4.sorted.bam
samtools merge -f chr19.sorted.bam b.*/chr19.mapped.*.sorted.bam; samtools index chr19.sorted.bam
samtools merge -f chr13.sorted.bam b.*/chr13.mapped.*.sorted.bam; samtools index chr13.sorted.bam
samtools merge -f chr16.sorted.bam b.*/chr16.mapped.*.sorted.bam; samtools index chr16.sorted.bam
samtools merge -f chr7.sorted.bam b.*/chr7.mapped.*.sorted.bam; samtools index chr7.sorted.bam
samtools merge -f chr9.sorted.bam b.*/chr9.mapped.*.sorted.bam; samtools index chr9.sorted.bam
samtools merge -f chr14.sorted.bam b.*/chr14.mapped.*.sorted.bam; samtools index chr14.sorted.bam
samtools merge -f chr11.sorted.bam b.*/chr11.mapped.*.sorted.bam; samtools index chr11.sorted.bam
samtools merge -f chr22.sorted.bam b.*/chr22.mapped.*.sorted.bam; samtools index chr22.sorted.bam
samtools merge -f chr1.sorted.bam b.*/chr1.mapped.*.sorted.bam; samtools index chr1.sorted.bam
samtools merge -f chr10.sorted.bam b.*/chr10.mapped.*.sorted.bam; samtools index chr10.sorted.bam
samtools merge -f chr15.sorted.bam b.*/chr15.mapped.*.sorted.bam; samtools index chr15.sorted.bam
samtools merge -f chr18.sorted.bam b.*/chr18.mapped.*.sorted.bam; samtools index chr18.sorted.bam
samtools merge -f chr3.sorted.bam b.*/chr3.mapped.*.sorted.bam; samtools index chr3.sorted.bam
samtools merge -f chr20.sorted.bam b.*/chr20.mapped.*.sorted.bam; samtools index chr20.sorted.bam
samtools merge -f chr8.sorted.bam b.*/chr8.mapped.*.sorted.bam; samtools index chr8.sorted.bam
samtools merge -f chr2.sorted.bam b.*/chr2.mapped.*.sorted.bam; samtools index chr2.sorted.bam
samtools merge -f chr12.sorted.bam b.*/chr12.mapped.*.sorted.bam; samtools index chr12.sorted.bam
Expand here to see example map.sge and map.script; note that the script creates this these within subdirectories.
Expand here to see example map.sge and map.script; note that the script creates this these within subdirectories.
Code Block
# Simple SGE script for submitting multiple serial
# jobs (e.g. parametric studies) using a script wrapper
# to launch the jobs.
# To use, build the launcher executable and your
# serial application(s) and place them in your WORKDIR
# directory.  Then, edit the CONTROL_FILE to specify

# each executable per process.

#         <------ Setup Parameters ------>
#$ -N map.b.1
#$ -pe 2way 12
#$ -q normal
#$ -o map.b.1.o$JOB_ID
#$ -l h_rt=1:00:00
#$ -V
#$ -cwd
#   <------ You MUST Specify a Project String ----->
#$ -A DNAdenovo
# Usage:
#	#$ -pe <parallel environment> <number of slots>

#	#$ -l h_rt=hours:minutes:seconds to specify run time limit
# 	#$ -N <job name>
# 	#$ -q <queue name>
# 	#$ -o <job output file>
#	   NOTE: The env variable $JOB_ID contains the job id. 
module load launcher
setenv EXECUTABLE     $TACC_LAUNCHER_DIR/init_launcher 
setenv CONTROL_FILE   map.script
setenv WORKDIR        .
# Variable description:
#  EXECUTABLE     = full path to the job launcher executable
#  CONTROL_FILE   = text input file which specifies
#                   executable for each process
#                   (should be located in WORKDIR)
#  WORKDIR        = location of working directory
#      <------ End Setup Parameters ------>

# Error Checking

if ( ! -e $WORKDIR ) then
        echo " "
	echo "Error: unable to change to working directory."
	echo "       $WORKDIR"
	echo " "
	echo "Job not submitted."

if ( ! -f $EXECUTABLE ) then
	echo " "
	echo "Error: unable to find launcher executable $EXECUTABLE."
	echo " "
	echo "Job not submitted."

if ( ! -f $WORKDIR/$CONTROL_FILE ) then
	echo " "
	echo "Error: unable to find input control file $CONTROL_FILE."
	echo " "
	echo "Job not submitted."

# Job Submission



echo " "
echo " Parameteric Job Complete"
echo " "
Code Block
/home1/01057/sphsmith/local/bin/exome_step1.bash r1.00 r2.00 /scratch/01057/sphsmith/hg19/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.60.dna.fasta mapped.00 >& mapped.00.log
/home1/01057/sphsmith/local/bin/exome_step1.bash r1.01 r2.01 /scratch/01057/sphsmith/hg19/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.60.dna.fasta mapped.01 >& mapped.01.log

Expand here to see example variants.sge and variants.script
Expand here to see example variants.sge and variants.script
Code Block
# Simple SGE script for submitting multiple serial
# jobs (e.g. parametric studies) using a script wrapper
# to launch the jobs.
# To use, build the launcher executable and your
# serial application(s) and place them in your WORKDIR
# directory.  Then, edit the CONTROL_FILE to specify 
# each executable per process.

#         <------ Setup Parameters ------>
#$ -N variants
#$ -pe 2way 144
#$ -q normal
#$ -o variants.o$JOB_ID
#$ -l h_rt=4:00:00
#$ -V
#$ -cwd
#   <------ You MUST Specify a Project String ----->
#$ -A DNAdenovo
# Usage:
#	#$ -pe <parallel environment> <number of slots>

#	#$ -l h_rt=hours:minutes:seconds to specify run time limit
# 	#$ -N <job name>
# 	#$ -q <queue name>
# 	#$ -o <job output file>
#	   NOTE: The env variable $JOB_ID contains the job id.

module load launcher
module load java64
module load samtools
setenv EXECUTABLE     $TACC_LAUNCHER_DIR/init_launcher 
setenv CONTROL_FILE   variants.script
setenv WORKDIR        .
# Variable description:
#  EXECUTABLE     = full path to the job launcher executable
#  CONTROL_FILE   = text input file which specifies
#                   executable for each process
#                   (should be located in WORKDIR)
#  WORKDIR        = location of working directory
#      <------ End Setup Parameters ------>

# Error Checking

if ( ! -e $WORKDIR ) then
        echo " "
	echo "Error: unable to change to working directory."
	echo "       $WORKDIR"
	echo " "
	echo "Job not submitted."

if ( ! -f $EXECUTABLE ) then
	echo " "
	echo "Error: unable to find launcher executable $EXECUTABLE."
	echo " "
	echo "Job not submitted."

if ( ! -f $WORKDIR/$CONTROL_FILE ) then
	echo " "
	echo "Error: unable to find input control file $CONTROL_FILE."
	echo " "
	echo "Job not submitted."

# Job Submission



echo " "
echo " Parameteric Job Complete"
echo " "
Code Block
/home1/01057/sphsmith/local/bin/exome_step2.bash chrY.sorted.bam /scratch/01057/sphsmith/hg19/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.60.dna.fasta /work/01057/sphsmith/dbsnp/dbsnp_132.hg19.vcf chrY >& variants.chrY.log
/home1/01057/sphsmith/local/bin/exome_step2.bash chr22.sorted.bam /scratch/01057/sphsmith/hg19/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.60.dna.fasta /work/01057/sphsmith/dbsnp/dbsnp_132.hg19.vcf chr22 >& variants.chr22.log
/home1/01057/sphsmith/local/bin/exome_step2.bash chr9.sorted.bam /scratch/01057/sphsmith/hg19/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.60.dna.fasta /work/01057/sphsmith/dbsnp/dbsnp_132.hg19.vcf chr9 >& variants.chr9.log
/home1/01057/sphsmith/local/bin/exome_step2.bash chr3.sorted.bam /scratch/01057/sphsmith/hg19/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.60.dna.fasta /work/01057/sphsmith/dbsnp/dbsnp_132.hg19.vcf chr3 >& variants.chr3.log
/home1/01057/sphsmith/local/bin/exome_step2.bash chr21.sorted.bam /scratch/01057/sphsmith/hg19/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.60.dna.fasta /work/01057/sphsmith/dbsnp/dbsnp_132.hg19.vcf chr21 >& variants.chr21.log
/home1/01057/sphsmith/local/bin/exome_step2.bash chr5.sorted.bam /scratch/01057/sphsmith/hg19/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.60.dna.fasta /work/01057/sphsmith/dbsnp/dbsnp_132.hg19.vcf chr5 >& variants.chr5.log
/home1/01057/sphsmith/local/bin/exome_step2.bash chr16.sorted.bam /scratch/01057/sphsmith/hg19/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.60.dna.fasta /work/01057/sphsmith/dbsnp/dbsnp_132.hg19.vcf chr16 >& variants.chr16.log
/home1/01057/sphsmith/local/bin/exome_step2.bash chr19.sorted.bam /scratch/01057/sphsmith/hg19/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.60.dna.fasta /work/01057/sphsmith/dbsnp/dbsnp_132.hg19.vcf chr19 >& variants.chr19.log
/home1/01057/sphsmith/local/bin/exome_step2.bash chr18.sorted.bam /scratch/01057/sphsmith/hg19/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.60.dna.fasta /work/01057/sphsmith/dbsnp/dbsnp_132.hg19.vcf chr18 >& variants.chr18.log
/home1/01057/sphsmith/local/bin/exome_step2.bash chr4.sorted.bam /scratch/01057/sphsmith/hg19/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.60.dna.fasta /work/01057/sphsmith/dbsnp/dbsnp_132.hg19.vcf chr4 >& variants.chr4.log
/home1/01057/sphsmith/local/bin/exome_step2.bash chr12.sorted.bam /scratch/01057/sphsmith/hg19/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.60.dna.fasta /work/01057/sphsmith/dbsnp/dbsnp_132.hg19.vcf chr12 >& variants.chr12.log
/home1/01057/sphsmith/local/bin/exome_step2.bash chr15.sorted.bam /scratch/01057/sphsmith/hg19/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.60.dna.fasta /work/01057/sphsmith/dbsnp/dbsnp_132.hg19.vcf chr15 >& variants.chr15.log
/home1/01057/sphsmith/local/bin/exome_step2.bash chr14.sorted.bam /scratch/01057/sphsmith/hg19/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.60.dna.fasta /work/01057/sphsmith/dbsnp/dbsnp_132.hg19.vcf chr14 >& variants.chr14.log
/home1/01057/sphsmith/local/bin/exome_step2.bash chrX.sorted.bam /scratch/01057/sphsmith/hg19/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.60.dna.fasta /work/01057/sphsmith/dbsnp/dbsnp_132.hg19.vcf chrX >& variants.chrX.log
/home1/01057/sphsmith/local/bin/exome_step2.bash chr6.sorted.bam /scratch/01057/sphsmith/hg19/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.60.dna.fasta /work/01057/sphsmith/dbsnp/dbsnp_132.hg19.vcf chr6 >& variants.chr6.log
/home1/01057/sphsmith/local/bin/exome_step2.bash chr13.sorted.bam /scratch/01057/sphsmith/hg19/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.60.dna.fasta /work/01057/sphsmith/dbsnp/dbsnp_132.hg19.vcf chr13 >& variants.chr13.log
/home1/01057/sphsmith/local/bin/exome_step2.bash chr8.sorted.bam /scratch/01057/sphsmith/hg19/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.60.dna.fasta /work/01057/sphsmith/dbsnp/dbsnp_132.hg19.vcf chr8 >& variants.chr8.log
/home1/01057/sphsmith/local/bin/exome_step2.bash chr7.sorted.bam /scratch/01057/sphsmith/hg19/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.60.dna.fasta /work/01057/sphsmith/dbsnp/dbsnp_132.hg19.vcf chr7 >& variants.chr7.log
/home1/01057/sphsmith/local/bin/exome_step2.bash chr11.sorted.bam /scratch/01057/sphsmith/hg19/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.60.dna.fasta /work/01057/sphsmith/dbsnp/dbsnp_132.hg19.vcf chr11 >& variants.chr11.log
/home1/01057/sphsmith/local/bin/exome_step2.bash chr20.sorted.bam /scratch/01057/sphsmith/hg19/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.60.dna.fasta /work/01057/sphsmith/dbsnp/dbsnp_132.hg19.vcf chr20 >& variants.chr20.log
/home1/01057/sphsmith/local/bin/exome_step2.bash chr10.sorted.bam /scratch/01057/sphsmith/hg19/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.60.dna.fasta /work/01057/sphsmith/dbsnp/dbsnp_132.hg19.vcf chr10 >& variants.chr10.log
/home1/01057/sphsmith/local/bin/exome_step2.bash chr1.sorted.bam /scratch/01057/sphsmith/hg19/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.60.dna.fasta /work/01057/sphsmith/dbsnp/dbsnp_132.hg19.vcf chr1 >& variants.chr1.log
/home1/01057/sphsmith/local/bin/exome_step2.bash chr2.sorted.bam /scratch/01057/sphsmith/hg19/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.60.dna.fasta /work/01057/sphsmith/dbsnp/dbsnp_132.hg19.vcf chr2 >& variants.chr2.log
/home1/01057/sphsmith/local/bin/exome_step2.bash chr17.sorted.bam /scratch/01057/sphsmith/hg19/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.60.dna.fasta /work/01057/sphsmith/dbsnp/dbsnp_132.hg19.vcf chr17 >& variants.chr17.log
Expand here to see example merge2.sge and merge2.script
Expand here to see example merge2.sge and merge2.script
Code Block
# Simple SGE script for submitting multiple serial
# jobs (e.g. parametric studies) using a script wrapper
# to launch the jobs.
# To use, build the launcher executable and your
# serial application(s) and place them in your WORKDIR
# directory.  Then, edit the CONTROL_FILE to specify 
# each executable per process.
#         <------ Setup Parameters ------>
#$ -N merge2
#$ -pe 4way 12
#$ -q normal
#$ -o merge2.o$JOB_ID
#$ -l h_rt=1:00:00
#$ -V
#$ -cwd
#   <------ You MUST Specify a Project String ----->
#$ -A DNAdenovo
# Usage:
#	#$ -pe <parallel environment> <number of slots>

#	#$ -l h_rt=hours:minutes:seconds to specify run time limit
# 	#$ -N <job name>
# 	#$ -q <queue name>
# 	#$ -o <job output file>
#	   NOTE: The env variable $JOB_ID contains the job id.

module load launcher
setenv EXECUTABLE     $TACC_LAUNCHER_DIR/init_launcher

setenv CONTROL_FILE   merge2.script
setenv WORKDIR        .
# Variable description:
#  EXECUTABLE     = full path to the job launcher executable
#  CONTROL_FILE   = text input file which specifies
#                   executable for each process
#                   (should be located in WORKDIR)
#  WORKDIR        = location of working directory
#      <------ End Setup Parameters ------>

# Error Checking

if ( ! -e $WORKDIR ) then
        echo " "
	echo "Error: unable to change to working directory."
	echo "       $WORKDIR"
	echo " "
	echo "Job not submitted."

if ( ! -f $EXECUTABLE ) then
	echo " "
	echo "Error: unable to find launcher executable $EXECUTABLE."
	echo " "
	echo "Job not submitted."

if ( ! -f $WORKDIR/$CONTROL_FILE ) then
	echo " "
	echo "Error: unable to find input control file $CONTROL_FILE."
	echo " "
	echo "Job not submitted."

# Job Submission



echo " "
echo " Parameteric Job Complete"
echo " "
Code Block
samtools merge -f *.sorted.bam