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For information on Professional Track faculty reclassifications, including track changes and title changes, see


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UT policy

Per Rule 31001: Faculty Appointments and Titles, tenure may not be awarded to a person appointed to the titles listed below. Academic service with these titles may not be counted toward the satisfaction of any maximum probationary period. Appointments to these titles shall be for a period of time not to exceed one academic year except in the case of Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, or a clinical or research position with a title authorized by Section 2.2(g) of Rule 31001, when an appointment may be for periods of time not to exceed three academic years. With the exception of the title of Instructor, such appointments shall terminate at the expiration of the stated period of appointment without notification of non-renewal. Except for the titles described in Rule 31001, Sections 2.2(n) and 2.2(o), if an institution determines that it is to the benefit of the institution, it may offer reappointments to these titles in accordance with Texas Education Code Section 51.943 and may provide annual renewability of two- and three-year appointments.



UT Austin Job Title (and job code)

Description: Regents' Rules constraints per Rule 31001: Faculty Appointments and Titles


Adjoint Professor (0019)
Adjoint Associate Professor (0029)
Adjoint Assistant Professor (0039)

Per HOP 2-2010: Faculty Titles, VII.C.9, these titles may be used for individuals who serve the institution in cooperative or joint programs pursuant to a memorandum of understanding, cooperative research and development agreement, or similar partnership instrument.

Persons holding these titles will be employees of and compensated by the partnership organization. They will not be deemed employees of the institution. They will, however, have the same obligations, responsibilities, and authority as regular faculty employed directly by the institution when performing faculty functions pursuant to the agreement.

Allowable Contract Terms: Specified in the agreement with the partner organization, not to exceed three years


Adjunct Professor (0015)
Adjunct Associate Professor (0025)
Adjunct Assistant Professor (0035)

Per HOP 2-2010: Faculty Titles, VII.C.8, these titles may be used when a qualified individual from business, industry, government, private practice, or another institution of higher education is teaching or participating in the teaching of a course, or participating in research or clinical care at the University.

Appointments to the faculty with an adjunct title may be with or without pay.

Allowable Contract Terms: Short term; not to exceed one academic year; terminate upon expiration of the stated period of appointment without notification of nonrenewal


Clinical Professor (0013)
Clinical Associate Professor (0024)
Clinical Assistant Professor (0034)
Clinical Instructor (0044)

Faculty who are involved in a professional clinical experience program. Appointments to the faculty with a clinical title may be with or without pay and shall be for a period of time not to exceed three academic years. Such appointments shall terminate upon expiration of the stated period of appointment without notification of nonrenewal.

Allowable Contract Terms:

  • Short term (1 year)

  • 2 or 3 year fixed (fixed end date)

  • 2 or 3 year rolling (end date is extended forward each year)


Professor of Instruction (0007)
Associate Professor of Instruction (0028)
Assistant Professor of Instruction (0038)

Per HOP 2-2010: Faculty Titles, VII.C.1, these titles may be used for individuals who are primarily engaged in instructional duties. Colleges and schools have the ability to define additional criteria to distinguish between faculty appointed in the lecturer versus instruction title series.

Allowable Contract Terms:

  • Short term (1 year)

  • 2 or 3 year fixed (fixed end date)

  • 2 or 3 year rolling (end date is extended forward each year)


Distinguished Senior Lecturer (0048)
Senior Lecturer (0049)
Lecturer (0050)

Per HOP 2-2010: Faculty Titles, VII.C.1, these titles may be used for individuals who are primarily engaged in instructional duties. Colleges and schools have the ability to define additional criteria to distinguish between faculty appointed in the lecturer versus instruction title series.

Distinguished Senior Lecturer: Teachers who will augment and complement regular teaching faculty and whose teaching experience and qualifications demonstrate extraordinary service and performance. This rank is generally reserved for promotions, rather than for new hires.

Senior Lecturer: Teachers who will augment and complement regular teaching faculty and whose teaching experience and qualifications are comparable to those in tenure positions.

Lecturer: Teachers whose teaching experience and qualifications are comparable to those of faculty members in untenured, tenure-track positions. Upon approval by the president, an institution may identify up to three divisions within this rank to be designated Lecturer I, Lecturer II, and Lecturer III.

Allowable Contract Terms:

  • Short term (1 year)

  • 2 or 3 year fixed (fixed end date)

  • 2 or 3 year rolling (end date is extended forward every year)


Professor of Practice (0014)
Associate Professor of Practice (0023)
Assistant Professor of Practice (0033)

Per HOP 2-2010: Faculty Titles, VII.C.4, these titles may be used for individuals who are qualified to teach or conduct research by virtue of professional experience in lieu of typical academic credentials.

In COE, faculty in this series have significant teaching or coordinating responsibilities and are involved in a professional , practice, or field experience program.

Allowable Contract Terms:

  • Short term (1 year)

  • 2 or 3 year fixed (fixed end date)

  • 2 or 3 year rolling (end date is extended forward every year)


Research Professor (0017)
Research Associate Professor (0027)
Research Assistant Professor (0037)

Per HOP 2-2010: Faculty Titles, VII.C.5, these titles may be used for individuals appointed for the primary purpose of research, scholarship, and creative activities. 

Full-time or part-time positions for the primary purpose of research activities. Contracts are typically for one year only but can be longer if determined by the Dean to be in the best interest of the institution. See COE: Hiring Research Faculty.

Allowable Contract Terms:

  • Short term (1 year)

  • 2 or 3 year fixed (fixed end date)

  • 2 or 3 year rolling (end date is extended forward every year)


Specialist (0056)

Professional individuals who will serve as practitioners in specific areas of instruction, training, or supervision.

Allowable Contract Terms: Short term (1 year)


Visiting Professor (0012)
Visiting Associate Professor (0022)
Per HOP 2-2010, the title Visiting Assistant Professor is not used at UT Austin.

Per HOP 2-2010: Faculty Titles, VII.C.7, these titles are used only for temporary appointments of individuals who are either (1) visiting from another institution where they hold the equivalent rank, or (2) hired by a college or school on a trial basis.

Allowable Contract Terms: Not to exceed two academic years and not renewable


Instructor (0040)

Instructor is a tenure-track title, most often used in degree contingencies. See COE: Instructors.
