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General Policies:

It is important that you make all of your scheduled shifts. Irregular shift attendance and frequent tardiness are unacceptable and can be grounds for dismissal. Student employees will be first given a verbal warning followed up by a written warning with possible dismissal. Student employees also cannot request vacation time. Official days off are UT student holidays as well.  


Shift Responsibilities

  • Log in to WebCheckout and Microsoft Teams at the beginning of every shift.

  • Review Microsoft Teams “Announcements” messages at the beginning of every shift.

  • Maintain opening/closing duty checklists daily.

  • Wear name tags during all shifts.

  • Keep work areas tidy and free of clutter.


  • Consistent attendance is crucial for maintaining operational efficiency.

  • If you need to arrive late for your scheduled shift, notify the team by posting in the General section of the Microsoft Teams chat or by sending an email to

  • Avoid sending personal chats, texts, or emails to full-time staff unless needed for privacy reasons.

  • Frequent unexcused absences or tardiness will lead to a progressive disciplinary process:

    1. Verbal warning

    2. Written warning

    3. Potential dismissal

  • Vacation requests are not permitted. Official days off align with UT student holidays.

Shift Coordination

  • We use to manage shift scheduling.

  • Keep your contact information (email/phone number) up-to-date.

  • For scheduling questions,


  • check the posted schedule first, then contact the schedule coordinator if needed.

Requesting Time Off



  • Submit a Shift Trade or Shift Release request on

  • If there is no


  • response, you are responsible for calling, texting, or emailing other student workers to


  • find coverage.


  • Inform


  • the schedule coordinator at least


  • 2 days in advance


  • if you cannot find coverage after trying all the above methods.

  • If you still cannot find


  • coverage, immediately contact the schedule coordinator to discuss options.

  • You are expected to work


  • your scheduled shift unless coverage is found.

  • If you agree to


  • cover someone


  • else’s shift, you are responsible for working that shift.




  • Please do

    Do not come


    to work if you have a contagious illness

    . If possible, send a Shift Release request through Humanity


    com in order to get your shift covered BEFORE the beginning of your shift.Please send an email to 

  • Email


    as soon as you know you are too ill

    to make your shift.  This should happen BEFORE the beginning of your shift.Please contact

    to work.

  • Submit a Shift Release request through to get your shift covered before it starts.

  • Repeated absences may require a doctor’s note before returning to work.

  • Meet with a full-time staff member before returning to work after illness.

  • Contact your immediate supervisor if you become ill during your shift and cannot complete your


    hours. Leaving your shift unannounced

    in any way is not acceptable and may be grounds for

    may lead to dismissal.






  • Submit timesheets by 8am every Monday.


  • Timesheets are due bi-weekly


  • (mid and end of month).

  • It is your responsibility to fill out and submit your timesheet accurately and


  • on time.

  • Late timesheets are


  • unacceptable unless due to issues beyond your control.


  • Multiple reminders to submit


  • on time can result in


  • a verbal warning, followed by a written warning, and possible dismissal.




  • Check the Team Projects listings in Microsoft Teams to complete outstanding tasks.

  • Minimize smartphone usage (


  • calls, texting, apps, browsing)


  • . Take personal calls in the back storage room or outside


  • .

  • Posting to social media is not allowed in the Equipment Checkout room due to privacy concerns.


  • Do not use personal laptops


  • or tablets


  • at work.


  • Be approachable and greet each person


  • to let them know


  • you are available to help.

  • Do not watch movies, music videos, or TV shows.

  • Listening to music is allowed at low volume levels only. Avoid music with offensive/inappropriate lyrics.

Shift Breaks

  • One fifteen-minute break is allowed during


  • a shift of at least 4 hours


  • .


  • For a 6-hour shift, two fifteen-minute breaks are allowed.


  • Breaks


  • Cannot

    cannot be taken at the beginning or end of your shift

    Need to be taken


  • Take breaks before 4pm if possible.

  • Need

    Obtain permission


    from full-time staff before taking a break.




  • Inform a full-time staff member of any issues (malfunctioning equipment, issues with patrons,

    issues with

    coworkers, etc.).

  • Maintain a friendly, professional, and polite demeanor

    to all patrons

    at all times.

  • Keep yourself neat and clean. Proper hygiene is necessary (bathing, brushing teeth,




  • Wear work-appropriate clothes. Enclosed shoes are required as you may be lifting items

    and toes may be in danger of having things dropped on them


  • Opening/closing duty checklists are to be maintained daily.
  • Everyone is expected to keep their work areas tidy and free of clutter. 
  • Restroom breaks can be taken as needed.


  • Answer the phone courteously and professionally

    . "Moody

    : “Moody College Equipment Checkout, this is


    [your name

    )" or "Equipment

    ]” or “Equipment Checkout, this is


    [your name

    )" are the preferred greetings.
  • Read/review the 'Staff Message of the Day' at the beginning of EVERY shift. It is located on the left side of your Usher home page after logging into the appropriate desk. 
  • Keep all talk to a moderate level. 
  • Listening to music is allowed.  Please use the computer at station 6 only, and keep the music level down.  Please avoid offensive/inappropriate lyrics


  • Keep conversations at a moderate level.

  • Generally, food and drinks are not allowed.

      We will allow covered

    Snacking is permitted within reason. Covered drinks (water bottles, containers with lids)

    . Keep drinks away from workstations.  It gets in the way of the checkout process, and it can spill onto

    are allowed but keep them away from workstations to avoid spills on equipment.