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The software has been separated from other code and is now its own standalone package.  You need to check out the =SimplePlottingCutflow= package, e.g.

No Format
svn co svn+sshlsetup git
kinit cern_user_name@CERN.CH
git clone
ultileptons/SimplePlottingCutflow/trunk Run2PlottingUTAustin/SimplePlottingCutflow.git Run2Plotting
cd Run2Plotting
lsetup "asetup 21.0.38,Athena"       # setup your favorite Athena release

You will need to set up an Athena release , e.g. asetup, to use the code.  Unfortunately it cannot run in a pure RootCore environment yet because we depend on libraries not available from RootCore.


The Input Data

You can use the files in /data_ceph/onyisiharish/tth_13TeV_merged/25ns_3.4/. v29_aug/l30tau/mc_sys.  Any output of our ntupler will be compatible with this software (see 13 TeV tth Analysis with MultiLepAnalysisNtupler for instructions to build and run that ntupler).  The ntupler expects the MC files to be provided with names of the form "DSID.root", and the data files to be "period*.root".  All files should be in the same directory.


You are unlikely to ever need to edit plotting/config_8TeV13TeV.yaml, but for completeness, this is the file that maps the process names given in the cross section files to categories of processes (e.g. "single top" or "diboson").  Effectively it groups the DSIDs and configures how they will be displayed in the cutflows and plots (and what colors the histograms will be).  The color choices are the result of a carefully negotiated agreement, don't touch them unless really necessary.  This file also contains weights for various Alpgen Z samples which you can mostly ignore.


The simplest execution of the code is
DISPLAY="" python standard_3l_cutflow.yaml  --filedir '/data_ceph/onyisiharish/tth_13TeV_merged/25ns_3.4/v29_aug/l30tau/mc_sys' --texout mycutflow.tex
This will dump the expected yields for the cuts specified in standard_3l_cutflow.yaml to the output file mycutflow.tex.  Since these cuts do not need to have any particular relationship to each other, you can make cutflows, or scan alternative signal regions, or whatever you would like to do.


The simplest running of the code is
DISPLAY="" python standardCR_fornote.yaml --filedir '/data_ceph/tthharish/v4v29_processedaug/trigpdfl30tau/mc_sys ' --outdir output_dir_for_plots/ --texout standardCR_fornote.tex 
Many of the options to are the same as for (especially regarding the MC samples that are used). 
