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  • Housekeeping
    • the 4th Wednesday in November is the day before Thanksgiving - should we just assume that there will be a hiatus until December 10th? Should we make November 12th our last meeting - that is coming up very soon? What are people's ideas for that?
    • November 12th is a demo day for TARO (AtoM and ArchivesSpace) - Do we want scheduling for the rest of the fall semester (holidays, etc)
  • Action Items from last meeting
  • Discuss DCMI Archival Fonds and Bonds Pre-conference
  • Discuss scheduling for presentations in October and November
  • Recommending an archival management system for campus - steps forward

Discussion items

  • The TARO committee may be having a demo (AtoM and ArchivesSpace) on November 12th at PCL (1-3 pm). Everyone agrees to push the meeting time up


  • Donna J Coates will send out the announcement about the EAD3 webinar at the libraries with instructions to register
  • Donna J Coates will provide the URL to the TARO wiki
  • Jessica Wesley Meyerson will add several sections to the wiki so that we can begin gathering our resources together
    • Resources section has been added on the wiki where we can start to compile materials for Outreach and Education, Policy and Proposal Templates, and Environmental Scan/Research for what other folks out there are doing that we think is really cool.
    • There is also a new group calendar on the homepage of the wiki, where you can always find the dates of our upcoming meetings, announcements for conferences, descriptions of upcoming presentations or webinars and more. Feel free to submit or forward events or deadlines you want to share on the calendar to me and they'll be posted for the group on the wiki calendar. 
  • Everyone will add resources to the wiki, e.g., current processing manual and resources for educating patrons to use archival resources 
  • Everyone will create a case study for their repository regarding visibility needs to submit to the UT Collections Group
  • Everyone will help to create the description of what ADWG is in order to submit a list of groups and their descriptions/charters to the new UT Libraries Director, Dr. Haricombe
  • Everyone will create an abbreviated inventory of how they currently present collections online with examples that would like to have highlighted on some central location


  • ArchivesPortal->Europeana aggegation of archival description metadata along with the item-level metadata
  • SNAC
  • RAMP


  • Jessica is working out scheduling with Mark Phillips from UNT to come to and speak with us in-person (he makes frequent visits to Austin so he suggested that) about archival description and DPLA
  • Ayse and Ciaran scheduled for last meeting in November


  • Timeline to produce a recommendation - end of Spring 2015?
  • Creating user stories in order to derive functional requirements - perhaps we could look at a few user story examples today since this is one of the "working" weeks
  • Do we want to produce a proposal as a group for the University to fund this? The University pays for the insurance on our special collections? And it would be a "shared service" so that fits within the Transforming UT initiative?

Discussion items


Action items



  • for that day to join the TARO folks on the demo
  • The follow up meeting will be moved to November 19th, since the 4th Wednesday of November is the day before Thanksgiving and many members won't be on town
  • In case the November 12th demo doesn't happen, there could be an ArchivesSpace demo for the group on December 3rd, with a follow up meeting on December 17th
 Action items from last meeting



  • Seats still available for the EAD3 webinar (PCL, October 23rd)
  • Some people have not been able to access the TARO wiki; Esther is going to send the URL; do people need specific permits to access the wiki?
  • Overview of the Resources section added to the wiki; the Briscoe processing documents and repository case study are already there as example; everybody will keep on adding resources (current processing manual, resources for educating patrons on the use of archives, etc...) and their repository case study
  • Review of the group description draft on the wiki homepage; everyone seems to agree with what is there so far and will keep on adding new ideas
 Recommending an Archival management system for campusGroup
  • Ideally we should have a proposal for an archival management system ready to go by the end of Spring  2015

  • Need to create user stories in order to identify the functional requirements

  • Amy - it may be helpful to have a short presentation for each one of the repositories in addition to the processing documentation added to the wiki; differences on each repository workflow. HRC, for instance, switched to create records on a table format to allow exporting in tab delimited files that help with the tagging

  • Need to prepare specific questions related to each repository needs before the TARO demo on November 12th

  • Katie did some work with the ArchivesSpace sandbox and found it very limited ; however, it would be good to check it again with specific use cases before the demo

  • Amy would like to have some experience with the the tool in order to come up with the "hard" questions

  • Kathy suggests having a meeting on a computer lab so the whole group can poke around the tools; Esther will talk with Jessica about this option

  • Evelina - it would be interesting to have the user cases ready by then for a consistent testing

  • People interested in testing AtoM should contact Jessica about getting a user account; The demo accounts are temporary so those who had theirs several months ago will have to check with Jessica to renew it

  • Links to the ArchivesSpace sandbox will be added to the resources on the wiki

  • ArchivesSpace has an annual cost of 7,500$ plus hosting; AtoM is open source but would require a customization investment. Not clear yet which one would be more affordable

  • Do we want to produce a proposal as a group for the University to fund this?


October and November presentations



  • Jessica is working out scheduling a presentation with Mark Philips from UNT (where the Digital Portal of Texas is hosted) to come and speak with us in-person about their metadata model and DPLA. Not everything on the Digital Portal of Texas is sent to DPLA; which one the selection criteria is?

  • The Architecture Library people have get together with the new metadata librarian to discuss metadata interoperability and strategies to feed DPLA.

  • Ayse presentation about her research paper on multi-provenential collections and item level/contextual linking is scheduled for the last meeting in November.  

 Creation of user stories/casesGroup
  • Examples of user stories creation available online (

  • Paloma - Need to identify tasks for the user stories

  • Esther - Adding an accrual to an existing collection

  • Amy - Separating materials. At the HRC they separate materials to specific media collections, but so far there is no consistency on the way it has been documented.

  • Katie -They are starting to use provenance notes  for the separated materials; the item records on their special collections catalog link to the finding aid of the collection they were part of

  • Amy and Katie- Would it be possible to move stuff around or reorganize the archival description once it has been introduced in the archival management system? Possibility to change the relationship between the different levels of description?

  • Amy - What the interoperability is with other systems? HRC has their data on several databases and ContentDM

  • Katie would like to edit the EAD code directly; would the archival management system substitute oxygen and how the migration would be? They migrated their data from filemaker to cvs files in order to do the tagging on an excel record and finish it on oxygen

  • Paloma - A stylesheet will be needed in order to preview the finding aid before exporting it

  • Need to look at the way AtoM exports EAD; do the tags created by AtoM relate to our EAD template tags?

  • Esther - New version of AtoM 2.1 includes the option to add alternative IDs (TARO#, OCLC#..), but it still lacks some of our TARO EAD template elements, for example preferred citation.

  • Review of the workflow chart and the processing spreadsheet developed for the AtoM evaluation made by the Briscoe; they will be added to the wiki with a link to the application used to create the workflow chart


Fonds and Bonds DCMI pre-conference

  • Jessica has share her notes on the wiki Conference notes section
  • Katie has been checking how their collections are represented on SNAC and has identified some errors ; SNAC still keeps the old version of an archival description record tupdated 1 or 2 years ago
  • General agreement on the need to make sure that our collections are well represented on those international archival initiatives (SNAC, ArchivesGrid…); how to work that out? Katie is going to do some research about SNACS and how to better contribute to it
  • Need to do some research about EAC-CPF implementation
  • Paloma - There is a RAMP workshop and documentation published by the University of Miami on wikipedia (
  • The xEAC presentation is available at Slideshare. Are there other presentations already available? They said that will communicate via Twitter
  • Esther - How is EAD3 going to impact our current archival descriptions? Would our finding aids encoded in EAD2 be compatible with the new schema?
  • Both AtoM and ArchivesSpace will support EAD3. How will the management systems deal with the coexistence of both versions? Is there going to be some migration support? Question to ask Brad during the ArchivesSpace demo.

Action items

  •  Esther E Kirchner - comment with Jessica the possibility to reserve a computer lab to have the group exploration of the tools
  •  Esther E Kirchner - send the TARO wiki URL
  •  Katie Pierce Meyer - environmental research on SNAC and add results to the Resources on the wiki
  •  Paloma Graciani Picardo - add tool links to the Resources on the wiki
  •  Everybody - start preparing some user story/cases that will be discussed during the next meeting
  •  Everybody - keep on documenting their workflow, archival procedures and repository case study, and add resources to the wiki