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Use our summer school reservation (CoreNGS) when submitting batch jobs to get higher priority on the ls6 normal queue.

Code Block
titleRequest an interactive (idev) node
# Request a 180 minute interactive node on the normal queue using our reservation
idev -m 120 -N 1 -A OTH21164 -r CoreNGS
idev -m 120 -N 1 -A TRA23004 -r CoreNGS

# Request a 120 minute idev node on the development queue 
idev -m 120 -N 1 -A OTH21164 -p development
idev -m 120 -N 1 -A TRA23004 -p development
Code Block
titleSubmit a batch job
# Using our reservation
sbatch --reseservation=CoreNGS <batch_file>.slurm

Note that the reservation name (CoreNGS) is different from the TACC allocation/project for this class, which is OTH21164.

Table of Contents



Code Block
# look at a subset of field for chrI:1000-2000 reads
# fields:  2=flags, 3=contig, 4=start, 5=mapping quality, 6=CIGAR, 9=insert size
samtools view -F 0x4 yeast_pe.sort.bam chrI:1000-2000 | cut -f 2-6,9 | \
  awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="\t"}
       {$1 = sprintf("0x%x", $1); print}'


Aligners also differ in whether they report alternate alignments for multi-hit reads, and if they do, how many. Some things to keep in mind:


  • bwa aln (global alignment) and bowtie2 with default parameters (both --local default end-to-end mode) report at most one location for a read that maps
    • this will be the location with the best mapping quality and alignment
    • if a given read maps equally well to multiple locations, these aligners pick one location at random
      • bwa aln will always report a 0 mapping quality for these multi-hit reads
      • bowtie2 will report a low mapping quality (< 10), based on the complexity (information content) of the sequence
  • bwa mem (local alignment) can always report more than one location for a mapped read
    • its definition of a secondary alignment is different (and a bit non-standard)
      • if one part of a read maps to one location and another part maps somewhere else (e.g. because of RNA splicing), the longer alignment is marked as primary and the shorter as secondary.
    • there is no way to disable reporting of secondary alignments with bwa mem.
      • but they can be filtered from the sorted BAM with -F 0x100 (secondary alignment flag = 0).
  • bowtie2 can be configured to report more than one location for a mapped read
    • the -k N option says to report up to N alignments for a read
  • most transcriptome-aware RNA-seq aligners by default report more than one location for a mapped read
    • e.g. hisat2, star, tophat2.
    • when reads are quantified (counted with respect to genes), multiply-mapped reads can be counted fractionally
      • e.g. if a read maps to 5 genes, it can be counted as 1/5 for each of the genes



Code Block
samtools view -c yeast_pe.sort.bam
samtools view -c yeast_pe.sort.filt.bam

# or to be really fancy...
echo "`samtools view -c yeast_pe.sort.bam` \
      `samtools view -c yeast_pe.sort.filt.bam`" | \
       awk '{printf "%d original reads\n", $1;
             printf "%d Q20 reads (%d read pairs)\n", $2, $2/2;
             printf "%0.2f%% high-quality reads\n", 100*$2/$1}'

There were 1,184,360 alignment records in the original BAM, and only 456,890 in the quality-filtered BAM, around 38% of our starting reads.

Since we have only properly paired reads, the filtered BAM will contain equal numbers of both R1s and R2s. So the number of read pairs is 456890/2 or 228451.

Exercise: How many primary aligned reads (0x100 = 0) are in the Copy the bwa local alignment files here:

Code Block
cds; cd core_ngs/samtools
cp $CORENGS/catchup/bwa_script/bwa_local.sort.dup.bam


Combining SAM
* .
cp $CORENGS/catchup/bwa_script/bwa_local.samstats.txt  .

Exercise: How many primary aligned reads (0x100 = 0) are in the bwa_local.sort.dup.bam file?

titleCombining SAM flags

samtools view only pays attention to one -F or -f option, so to specify more than one flag value you need to combine them into one number. For example, combining 0x100 and 0x4 yields 0x104.



Code Block
samtools view -F 0x104 -c bwa_local.sort.dup.bam

There are 874791 primary alignments.

Code Block
samtools view -F 0x4 -f 0x100 -c bwa_local.sort.dup.bam

And 133209 secondary alignments.

Look at the statistics for the bwa mem (local) alignment in the bwa_local.samstats.txt file:

Code Block
             Aligner:       bwa
     Total sequences:   1317569
        Total mapped:   1008000 (76.5 %)
      Total unmapped:    309569 (23.5 %)
             Primary:    874791 (86.8 %)
           Secondary:    133209 (13.2 %)
          Duplicates:    428418 (42.5 %)
          Fwd strand:    502782 (49.9 %)
          Rev strand:    505218 (50.1 %)
          Unique hit:    947418 (94.0 %)
           Multi hit:     60582 (6.0 %)
           Soft clip:    543390 (53.9 %)
           All match:    328038 (32.5 %)
              Indels:      6679 (0.7 %)
       Total PE seqs:   1317569
      PE seqs mapped:   1008000 (76.5 %)
        Num PE pairs:    658784
   F5 1st end mapped:    413159 (62.7 %)
   F3 2nd end mapped:    594841 (90.3 %)
     PE pairs mapped:    384462 (58.4 %)
     PE proper pairs:    282664 (42.9 %)