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Prior approval for all business travel , funded and at no cost(whether or not it is funded), is required for a faculty/staff absence from campus for periods of half a day (4 hours) or more during normal working periods.   Travelers should submit the REQ/RTA at least 5 business days prior to trip if requesting direct billed airfare or rental car.

  • Funded business travel requires a RTA on file September - August.

  • No cost/unfunded business travel requires a RTA on file September – May, unless appointed over the summer.


Travel expenses may be submitted for reimbursement upon completion of trip.

Access the REQ/Travel Reimbursement How-To-Complete Form resource

Access the REQ/Travel Reimbursement Online Form 


This includes Aug 16 to May 15 for all faculty. If you have a summer teaching or admin appointment, it includes those dates as well.

Additionally, for faculty, an RTA must be done whenever you will miss a class you are teaching, regardless of the purpose of travel (personal travel, medical leave, etc.). The reason is to document the “disposition of duties” plan. (If personal travel does not impact any classes, an RTA should not be completed.)

Travelers should submit the REQ at least 7 days prior to departure for Domestic Travel and non-restricted Foreign, or 35 days before for Foreign Restricted-Regions.


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Request for Travel Authorization (RTA)


 Log on to the UT Direct Requests Home site:

Complete the Travel Authorization Request electronic form.  

This electronic request must be routed through a hierarchy for approvals. Assign your request to the Area Head/Area group. 


The request will then route as follows: Assign to Area Head/group > Assign to Finance Group (00259)



You must obtain a fully-approved RTA before your departure date. You will receive an email once your RTA is final approved. Create a Request for Travel Authorization


When your request is approved, you'll receive a UT generated email with the subject Request for Travel Authorization (RTA) TV######### approved. 



To locate someone's EID, in the Assign tab select “Assign to UT EID”, in the EID field select the question mark button to search for the person/EID, enter EID in field.



Request for Travel Reimbursement

Within 10 days after your trip, Create a Request for Travel Reimbursement


Foreign Restricted Regions


Faculty Travel Grants (from the Graduate School)

Eligible faculty may receive up to $1400 per academic year for travel expenses to present original papers at scholarly and professional meetings.


 Read more about this policy in the UT Handbook

  1. Apply for the Faculty Travel Grant here: https://


  2. While completing the REQ/Request for Travel Authorization Form, under Traveler Information, select “YES” to Will a Faculty Travel Grant be used to pay for part or all of the travel?

  3. The REQ will auto populate the FTG account 30-9400-0557.  The traveler must add a second account per FTG rules as a precaution to direct billed transportation over the approved grant amount.  This second account could be Area Travel, Research & Travel, or any other travel eligible account accessible by traveler.  If traveler anticipates only using up to the $1400 in FTG enter $1 for the second account.  Per FTG rules not adding a second account is not an option.  The FTG will not be considered without one. 

  4. Route the REQ/Request for Travel Authorization as instructed and complete the FTG application via the Graduate School site (link under 1b above).

  5. The Finance Office will certify the RTA information directly to the FTG.

  6. The FTG has been approved once the traveler receives an email directly from Faculty Affairs at with the subject line: Faculty Travel Grant Approval Notice – FTG Approval.  See image

  7. If the traveler has not received the approval email prior to the travel departure date please contact Michelle Belisle immediately to ensure all steps were executed accordingly.

How do I request a Cash Advance for Travel?

  1. A currently appointed employee may be eligible for a cash advance for travel if any of the following circumstances apply/

  2. After you are approved for funding, complete a Travel Authorization REQ as usual.

  3. After Travel is complete, note “FTG acct” as the acct on your reimbursement REQ.


Cash Advance for Travel

Cash advances are available for business travel in certain cases. To learn more, read:


  1. Travel is to an Isolated Region

  2. Travel is more than one week

  3. Traveler is accompanying students are part of a Study Abroad program

  4. Travel is accompanying a Student Trip

  5. Financial Hardship (traveler has no credit card)

  • A Cash Advance cannot be requested for travel that can be direct billed (airfare and rental car) or paid via the procard (conference registration fees)


A Cash Advance Request must be submitted no less than 10 business days prior to the travel dates and cannot be submitted without an approved Request for Travel Authorization (RTA) Access form here Travel Cash Advance Request Form

Once the Request for Travel Authorization email has been received the traveler completes the Travel Cash Advance Request Form, print on letterhead, and submit to the Finance Office, Michelle Belisle.


Within the form the Department Reviewer is Erik Felthauser, 512-232-5317, 













Traveler will need to sign the Reconciliation form and submit a check for funds made out to the University of Texas at Austin.


If travel expenses equal or are over the received Cash Advance the traveler will sign the reconciliation form, no funds will need to be returned.


Failure to follow the Cash Advance for Travel guidelines and meet the expected reconciliation date may result in a denial of future Cash Advance Requests.

Travel Rules and Guidelines

It is the responsibility of the traveler to comply with UT rules, guidelines, or restrictions governing business travel. 


Transportation-General:  Travel must originate from UT/Austin,TX.  If traveler will be temporarily based at another location for business purposes at the start of the trip this information should be documented in the RTA.  If the traveler will be temporarily based at another location for personal reasons the traveler should obtain cost comparison quotes for the transportation expense originating from Austin, TX from one of the contracted Travel Agencies or  Expedia, Orbitz..etc .  

Airfare:  Flights may be booked via the Travel Management Services site with contracted Travel Agencies or directly by the traveler via an online reservation tool or airline. It is recommended to book with Concur or Anthony Rravel as discussed in the link above, rather than paying out of pocket for later reimbursement. This ensures the fare is acceptable and can be reimbursed.

  • First, business, any other premium class, or seating upgrade will not be approved without a pre-approved exception request. See the TMS website for instructions to submit.

  • EarlyBird Check-in and airline club fees are not reimbursable.

  • Airfare tickets purchased as a ticket exchange will require proof of purchase for the original flight.

  • Airfare cancellation or change charges are reimbursable only if incurred due to a business-related reason or a reason listed on the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, Textravel page.
