2024-26 Selected
Hall-Pedal sensor: https://www.piheramazon.net/wp-content/uploads/PIHER_PST-360G2.pdfcom/HiSport-Throttle-Accelerator-Position-Sensor/dp/B0BJ723YHH/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.nbpEjRioT67_eMBuRj9nTzntLuvc_As6sXLvebiW4krdev8ncx3G6_72mSM2b8fdZi_u4g-fKHDa9OFMOYz_7T5CbejKwie5V3i0561NPV6lfdjzm_iOPAz6LNhmXH1lbCqFMsdm8um6T6dIDfJo9EumVUK-gu9JxE5JUjv4sJxyPixPLvK5_196VaublytjG1saUEeWBh-SWCCYem3MjgcCEpotI_qChVudxNUs5QY.mrTF2NFTuHNx1K7G97EKhe90PDYjDF5-kqkwGHI9G34&dib_tag=se&keywords=accel+pedal+sensor&qid=1730574255&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1
Factor | Spec |
Mechanical Rating | Made of high quality ABS plastic and metal. Great durability, wear resistance, and strong connectivity. Each product is strictly inspected before leaving the factory to provide high-quality auto replacement parts. - Amazon |
Accuracy | IDK |
Type | TPS sensor, Flange Mount |
Output | Analog (ADC) |
Size | small |
Brakeline: https://wwwkulite.mouser.com/datasheetproducts/2/657/kavlico_p265_pressure_data_sheet-1216876.pdf
Maddie’s research and notes on the accel and brake pedal sensors we’ll be using.
Factor | Spec |
Mechanical Rating | 1000 PSI 3/8-24 connection |
Accuracy | |
Type | 4-20mA Current Loop Transmitter |
Output | 4-20mA
Size | small |
Preliminary Notes (Author: Madeleine Lee )
Purpose of sensors
In the 2024-2026 car, Controls will need to detect the position of the accel pedal for movement, as well as the position of the brake pedal for fault conditions and telemetry. While the position of the acceleration pedal is necessary, the position of the brake is technically optional- all Controls needs is to enable the brake lights. However, for the purpose of analysis and additional features, we want to measure the position of the brake pedal and the pressure in the brake fluid line to