Versions Compared


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This example would work if your foward restriction enzyme is NlaIII, your reverse restriction enzyme is MluCI, and your insert size is between 264 and 336 base pairs.


Does this really work?

This fake reference has 4 RAD fragments, 3 with 100-300 bp insert sizes and 1 more with a 350 bp insert size for NlaIII and MluCI


Code Block
#note this may not work on a Mac, try on TACC if it doesn't
cd in_silico_digest/

cat test_reference.fasta | tr -d "\n" | grep -o -E "CATG.{100,300}AATT" | wc -l
cat test_reference.fasta | tr -d "\n" | grep -o -E "CATG.{100,350}AATT" | wc -l



Imagine you wanted to do ddRAD on the coral Acropora hyacinthus


Your lab has the restriction enzymes Sphl and MspI on hand and you want to use those as your forward and reverse cutter respectively.

You are sequencing three sample populations and based on power analyses you have decided you'll need sample population sizes of n=20 (N=60 total samples).

Finally, you have decided to do 150 bp paired end sequencing on the Illumina Hiseq 4000 and have exactly $3,239 dollar to dedicate to sequencing.

Assuming you will get 240 million reads from a single lane of an Illumina Hiseq 4000 run, an a minimum insert size of 300, what should you pick your maximum insert size as?


How would you use this to get an idea of how many loci you are likely to find.

  1. Search NCBI for a reference genome
  2. Download it
  3. Search for your specific restriction search parameters



Code Block
#start an idev session if you have not
#make a directory to do the analysis in
mkdir rad_intro
cd rad_intro
mkdir in_silico_digest
cd in_silico_digest
#download the reference from NCBI
#decompress it
gunzip GCF_000222465.1_Adig_1.1_genomic.fna.gz

#check the command on some different max insert sizes
cat GCF_000222465.1_Adig_1.1_genomic.fna | tr -d "\n" | grep -o -E "GCATGC.{300,400}CCGG" | wc -l
cat GCF_000222465.1_Adig_1.1_genomic.fna | tr -d "\n" | grep -o -E "GCATGC.{300,500}CCGG" | wc -l
cat GCF_000222465.1_Adig_1.1_genomic.fna | tr -d "\n" | grep -o -E "GCATGC.{300,600}CCGG" | wc -l
#This can be done in a loop:
command#set forup athe seriessizes ofyou maximumwant insertto sizescheck
seq 400 100 1000 > maxInserts.txt
less maxInserts.txt

#build a header for your output
echo -e "insert_range\tNsites" > prediction_results.txt

#loop through your max insert sizes to get predictions for the number of sites
while read max;
 do nSites=$(cat GCF_000222465.1_Adig_1.1_genomic.fna | tr -d "\n" | grep -o -E "GCATGC.{300,${max}}CCGG" | wc -l);
 echo -e "300-${max}\t${nSites}" >> prediction_results.txt;
done < maxInserts.txt
#look at the results
cat prediction_results.txt





#These values are somewhat low
#What about a four-nucleotide restriction enzyme?
#for NlaIII
cat GCF_000222465.1_Adig_1.1_genomic.fna | tr -d "\n" | grep -o -E "CATG.{300,400}CCGG" | wc -l