Apply Security Updates
- Updates are automatically applied for Mac OSX Operating system, Firefox, Adobe Reader, Adobe Flash, Java, Adium, Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client, and Microsoft Office.
- If you require administrative privileges in order to apply patches for other applications email with a description of your needs. We'll apply updates for you or
delegate privileges such that you are able to install the update yourself.
Generally enabled by default, checked by BME IT before deployment.
- Hiding itself in the system to install rootkits, backdoors, keyloggers.
- Creating new administrative accounts
- Accessing and running privileges services
- Using an infected system to attack other vulnerable computers on the network
- Desktop users that require administrative access should contact it@bme.utexas
Include your UTEID, the UT tag # of the computer, and the task that requires elevation in the email.
Password Complexity
Secure unattended computers