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The following steps assume that the CPR process for a given faculty member is already underway; the process has been broken out according to tenured faculty rank, below:

Associate Professors:

titleFirst CPR in rank:
  1. Department evaluation finds Faculty is on-track for timely promotion to Full:

    1. Document in CPR written report

    2. Provide the anticipated year Faculty will go up for promotion

    3. Provide notes if going up for promotion is contingent upon any specific achievement already underway (e.g., book in press, waiting to come out)

  2. Department evaluation finds Faculty is not on-track for promotion review before the next CPR:

    1. Document in CPR written report; if department has rated Faculty “meets expectations” overall, department shall provide the “rationale as it related to the norms and expectations of their discipline” per COLA FWP policy

    2. Work with Faculty to develop a promotion plan; departments may choose to use or modify this promotion plan template if useful (not required)

    3. A completed plan does not need to be submitted with the CPR; however, the department shall document, as part of the CPR report, the status of that collaboration and any agreed-upon goals or proposed actions, as relevant (e.g., department has begun discussion with Faculty on how to make forward progress; still working on a set of goals and deadlines, but Faculty mentioned they have a conference presentation this Spring that they intend to develop into an article to submit to peer-reviewed journal by Fall)

    4. Department are expected to keep the promotion plan (or equivalent) on file, as well as related records, and be prepared to provide them upon request as well as reference the trajectory in subsequent reviews; Faculty should also maintain copies of these records

titleSecond (+) CPR in rank:
  1. Department evaluation finds Faculty ready to go up for promotion to Full in the subsequent Fall semester:

    1. Document in CPR written report;

    2. If Faculty goes up that Fall and is successful, no further action until first CPR in rank as Professor.

    3. If Faculty does not go up that Fall as intended, an action plan must be submitted by February 1 of that year. (e.g., planned to go up Fall 2023 but did not; action plan due February 1, 2024)

    4. If Faculty goes up that Fall but is unsuccessful, an action plan must be submitted by February 1 of following year. (e.g., went up Fall 2023 but unsuccessful; action plan due February 1, 2025)

    5. Deans review action plans for final approval and may request adjustments; final approved plans are effective the subsequent September 1

  2. Department evaluation and discussion with Faculty determines that Faculty would prefer an adjusted workload rather than pursue promotion to Full:

    1. Document details of adjusted workload in CPR written report;

    2. Deans review proposed workload for final approval and may request adjustments; final approved plans are effective the subsequent September 1.

    3. Faculty retain the right to pursue promotion to Full, but may not resume research-intensive workload until after successful promotion to Full.

  3. If department evaluation finds Faculty not ready to go up for promotion to Full in the subsequent Fall semester:

    1. Document in CPR written report;

    2. Work with Faculty to develop an action plan and attach to CPR report; required components for the action plan are listed in the COLA workload policy; departments may choose to use or modify this action plan template (or promotion plan template), if useful (not required).

    3. Deans review action plan for final approval and may request adjustments; final approved plans are effective the subsequent September 1.


titleFirst CPR in rank:
  1. Department evaluation determines Faculty meet expectations of research-intensive faculty:

    1. Document in CPR written report

  2. Department evaluation determines Faculty does not meet expectations of research-intensive faculty:

    1. Document in CPR written report

    2. Department works with Faculty to reach greater productivity; or Faculty may request an adjusted/non-research-intensive workload

titleSecond (+) CPR in rank:
  1. Department evaluation determines Faculty meet expectations of research-intensive faculty:

    1. Document in CPR written report

  2. Department evaluation determines Faculty does not meet expectations of research-intensive faculty:

    1. Document in CPR written report

    2. Works with Faculty to develop an adjusted workload or an action plan and attach to CPR report (if workload, can be included within report); required components for the action plan are listed in the COLA workload policy; departments may choose to use or modify this action plan template (or promotion plan template), if useful (not required).

    3. Deans review adjusted workload or action plan for final approval and may request adjustments; final approved plans are effective the subsequent September 1

    4. If Faculty workload is adjusted, Faculty may request resumption of research-intensive workload at any time based on evidence of increased research productivity; requests must be reviewed by Department BC/EBC/EC and Chair, and submitted to Dean’s Office for final review and approval.


Related Policies:

Revised COLA Tenured Faculty Workload Policy (effective 9/1/2022)


An Action Plan template; includes required elements of the action plan per the policy, but has not been developed much beyond that; might be a starting point? COLA's policy (not required)